The Ducklings Arrived!

The first five ducklings, the White Layers from Metzer Farms, arrived on the morning of January, 30th (2019-01-30) in a large box with some Grogel and two heat-pads:

They seem to had a rough ride, one duckling had a leg-injury and was hopping along on its left leg:
The other four ducklings were doing fine, after drinking and eating they slept in the Momma Heat Cave for a while:

They slept through the whole night without artificial light, very quiet and no one was peeping in fear or loneliness, so the heat cave worked as expected.

On the morning or January 31st (2019-01-31) the second shipment from Ideal Poultry with five Buff Orpington and five Magpie ducklings arrived:

All ten ducklings were healthy and vigorously tried to escape the shipping box, once it was opened.
The new ducklings integrated well with the five from yesterday, however as they hatched one day later, the difference ins size and weight is already noticeable.

The White Layer duckling in the left clocks in at 58 grams, the younger Buff Orpington duckling to the right weighs 36 grams. Here is a video of the ducklings in their brooder after being brought together: