Wry Neck Issues


Jul 22, 2023
Southern Ontario
I had one chicken with wry neck, and now I have two. I’m not sure what’s going on or what could be going on. I’ve been giving the first chicken sunflower and pumpkin seeds to up her Vit. E intake and it seems to help. She’s been improving slowly, but not at a pace I’m content with. Both chickens are silkies and have/had lice, so could that be a factor? I’m honestly so confused. The recent one can hold his head up but when he puts his head down, he flips himself over and resets himself somehow… temporarily. I’m lost.
Cut out the seeds completely, it's not good for them and as you know isn't helping much.
Give 400 i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks. Any brand from the grocery store.
Cut out the seeds completely, it's not good for them and as you know isn't helping much.
Give 400 i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks. Any brand from the grocery store.
Thank you! It was all I could do, and was recommended when I looked it up. I’m very hesitant on using human supplements without second opinions, but now I know it’s safe to use. So again, thank you!

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