should I try terramycin eye ointment?


10 Years
Oct 4, 2009
Moorpark, CA
My BSL has had a swollen eye for over two weeks, I had her on Tylan-50, which I wasnt sure if it did anything, but after ten days of treatment, I felt it was too much medicine. The eve never really stopped swelling,but since she is off the swelling seems to be getting worse. Should I try to use terramycin eye ointment? I used some Vetericin, that didnt do diddly. I did lose a pullet to the disease that causes the eye swelling, I also lost a bird before that who just got weak and dropped dead. Is terramycin worth a try?
I don't have any idea what is wrong with your bird but I just want to share an experience with this ointment. My rats eye was pretty much coming out of her head. I don't know what happened but it was either give this stuff a shot or put her down. It only took a few days and I started noticing that the eye was actually starting to recede back into the socket. This stuff must have had magical powers because honestly, I thought her eyeball was gonna fall out. I can only assume it was a bacterial infection, maybe due to a scratch from my other rats, I'm not really sure. This stuff worked wonders, I'm still amazed by it.

These could be graphic for some, so this is your warning...

The beginning... (only way she would hold still)

Next morning

Later that day

Next day. First day on ointment. (I was waiting for this ointment to arrive in the mail, I wasn't prolonging the treatment on purpose)

Second day on ointment

A couple days later

Few days- week later. Looks like nothing ever happened

I really hope I didn't just hijack your thread. I just wanted to show you how awesome this stuff worked for me. I hope it's as simple as treating with some ointment. Good luck!
well i have to take a better pic, but now another bird (silkie) in my flock is now sick and she doesnt look like she will make it, both eyes are shut and crusty...


Mycoplasmosis? who knows... vet wants 90 bucks to tell me.
sure its not eye worm? I had one that the eye was huge and I squeezed and this big white blob of hard stink stuff came out. I was told it was eye worm. Vet rx or tylan drop in the eyes for the worm if thats what it is? good luck!
I have a hen whose eye is crusty, gets stuck closed - I've used "tears" drops, which loosen the gunk & allows her eye to open, but wonder if Terramycin opthalmic ointment would be appropriate to try. All the other chickens are normal - not sure whether she got a foreign body in the eye (can't see anything in it) or whether it's an indication she's sick. Any help is appreciated.

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