Rooster appears dead but still warm


12 Years
Jun 30, 2007
Hello everyone,
I'd like to take the time to indroduce myself but I have an urgent question. I have a half road island red half americona rooster that I found out in the rain yesterday evening just sitting, like he was sick. He had not returned to the coop with the rest of the chickens. He has lost a great deal of feathers on his back from fighting with my bard rock rooster who is top bird. I thought perhaps he was cold or too chilled so I wrapped him in a blanket and moved him to the garage. A friend of mine that raises chickens said to grind up an asprin mix it with water and sppon it to him. I did. I checked him early this morining and he is stiff as a board but still very warm. I went to the feed store that is suppose to know about chickens and they said they had never heard of anything like this. Tried to call my vet but he's out of town. Any ideas?
Do you have a heat lamp on him? Could be he got cold, and his muscles are tightening up. I would offer some sugar water, for a quick pick me up. Keepp him warm, and dry...maybe messageing his little legs some would help. I sure hope he recovers. Let us know.

Oh, and welcome!!
If the bird is hypothermic then it needs to be warm before you can do anything else...give electroytes/vit (pedialyte or gatorade will do in a pinch) once he is warm to counter the dehydration (give lukewarm) may need to "help" by dribbling it along his beak...a few meal worms might perk him up after that ...
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Thank you to everyone for their help. I'll let you know how it goes.
Welcome Lisa, please keep us updated on the little guy's progress. Hope he makes it and then I hope you will come back and tell us a bit about yourself.
No Ruben didn't get the entire asprin, I thought that was an awful lot for a little chicken.
My sister came at my request, she is a surgical nurse, and she pronounced Ruben dead. He was my favorite.
Ruben was named such after the John Wayne Rooster Cogburn movie, I think it was "True Grit" because he was such a tough guy and very protective of his girls. He will truly be missed.
It's strange everyone I talk to are so cavalier about chickens as if they are a thing instead of living gems that make our lives more enjoyable. " Oh be sure you cut his head off before you bury him to make sure he's dead." The F---Y--- word comes to mind on a comment like that.
My chickens, I have 11 now, are a part of my family. A friend of mine's son incubated them and I raised them in my kitchen when they were young, my first ever. Ruben is my first loss in 2 years. My neighbors ask me how I keep them alive and safe, I tell them cattle dogs and prayer. Not all have names but they are all special.
I was afraid that perhaps the mosquitoes are too bad in the coop after so much rain so I pulled out all the food and water and fumigated. I also went and got some blu coat to put on the girls that are missing some feathers on their backs.
I want to thank everyone for their help and concern. I am a member of the ACD-L an Australian Cattledog list and you guys are just as super. Thank you very much.
Lisa, missing Ruben, but I know he's at the Rainbow Bridge.
I am so sorry about your loss. You didn't say where you were posting from; is it winter there? Was there any nasal discharge showing on the rooster?
What did the eyes look like? Were they normal or were they gummed up?


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