Lost 2 Roosters in 2 nights


10 Years
May 15, 2009
Malvern, Arkansas
I have lost 2 roosters over the last 2 nights. Both have been near the edge of the fence, but there is no disturbance to any of the fence. There aren't feathers or blood all over, but each was dead with their insides eaten away and the rest of the chicken left behind.

I have never had an issue like this before and thought a possum or raccoon would do more to the chicken or take the whole thing. I am suspecting another rooster in the pen is starting to take the others out one by one. Anyone have any ideas?
Do you have a security light with a sensor?

If you're losing them consecutively, it's likely a raccoon. I had one come back night after night until we finally were able to take care of the problem.

They can climb chain-link and they know how to grab prey so that it doesn't make a lot of noise.

It might also be an owl, but they tend to rip heads and wings off.
I bet you are right. I haven't had the outside light on and the last 2 nights we have had heavy cloud cover and rain. I will try a light and stay up and see if I can spot something.
How was the night? Did you see anything? Do you see any tracks around the fence line or close to where the attack occurred? Are the heads gone? Is the wound clean cut like a knife, or ragged and torn? If it is clean cut it is a bobcat, if ragged and ripped a raccoon. If the head is gone then it was a predator for certain. They target the necks and then eat the back end. I have lost 11 in the past month. All in the same manners as above, both bobcat and coon. I suspect they use their paws and grab the bird and eat through the fence. Good luck. The predators are so elusive, I hope you remedy the situation.
this is the same way we have lost ours in the last few nites. They are all the way up against the fence. We have narrowed it down to either a mink or raccoon. They hit my babies that were hit one of thuse portable dog crates, totally covered. Raccoons are either grabbing their feet when they run or a mink in squeezing in their, killing them and then trying to pull them through the fence. We are working on our problem and will keep you posted. But FYI, whatever it is WILL be back again tonite!
Can you lock them in a coop at night (with proper ventilation etc.)? Mine are locked up every night as I know raccoons are out and about....
And if not, what is your fence made of? If it's not a strong tight weave like hardware cloth, it's no match for raccoons, unfortunately.
I had a very bright light on outside all night and didn't lose anymore. I didn't see anything get in the pen, no fencing pushed or out of place, and no tracks.

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