Hawk comes back for round 2 after getting its Feathers kicked by my Rooster.

Jan 12, 2024
South Carolina Greenville
Recently my Rooster prevented a hawk attack against my ducks when a hawk landed down and tried attacking them, Unfortunately, that hawk did not take that kindly and came back for round two, This time coming for one of our chickens, It was the same hawk (It has some marks and feathers lose when my Rooster fought him the first time.) so we easily identified them, It tried taking our smallest chicken before (Once more.) My rooster sprang at him and started attacking the hawk again. It again ended with the hawk taking off, my Rooster being victorious, This time our rooster did not lose any feathers or get any scars after the attack my Rooster escorted the chicken to the coop so she could rest, We checked her and she was okay, The hawk did not get her at all, Probably because he barely had any time because Rocky attacked the hawk before it could do any damage. We are grateful for Rocky but we fear that Hawk may try its attempts again.
Your hawk is likely to return, so keep your birds in their safe coop and covered run for maybe two weeks, until that hawk gives up. Once we had our birds in for three weeks, a very persistent Coopers hawk.
Your rooster is a champ! And that hawk isn't doing that well...
The Vet said the hawk will stop attacking our birds if it fails for the last time or if our rooster somehow scares it off completely, There is a 100% chance it will come back, whether that be tomorrow, the day after, or whatever day there is to come, Ill keep you all updated.
Sounds like a hawk that is still learning. It'll get better at getting it's meals, but it eventually will be able to do major damage or take rocky out.
Sounds like a hawk that is still learning. It'll get better at getting it's meals, but it eventually will be able to do major damage or take rocky out.
We have to hope Rocky either kills it or scares it off for good.. Its very small and Rocky is much bigger than it, I am right now waiting for its next attack as our neighbors said they saw a 'beat up hawk' attacking their chickens this time.
We have to hope Rocky either kills it or scares it off for good.. Its very small and Rocky is much bigger than it, I am right now waiting for its next attack as our neighbors said they saw a 'beat up hawk' attacking their chickens this time.
Hopefully, it'll go after smaller critters for awhile. As it gets bigger/stronger and more experienced, it might revisit. What type of hawk was it? Hopefully it won't get any bigger.

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