I think my chicken ate a plastic gecko


12 Years
Jun 26, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Any chance that if my chicken ate a platic gecko it could pass it, or do you think it would kill her? I always tell my kids not to take their toys outside... This is about the same size as a real gecko, and is a rubbery-stretchy-plastic material. I tried to get it from her, but she runs so fast and then she didn't have it. I didn't see it on the ground anywhere, so I'm assuming she ate it. God, I hope she's going to be ok. Please let me know if you've had experience with this type of thing. Thanks.
I honestly dont know what to tell you as you did not give the size or such... if you are really worried then go to the vet because yes I can imagine some instances where if was not able to be passed or ground up by the gizzard so it could be passed that it could possibly cause problems....
I would think that you could feel her crop and tell if it was in there. Chickens are pretty smart, I would think she would realize it was not food and drop it.

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