How likely is Hatchery to send extra chick?



May 22, 2023
Seattle suburbs

I’m starting my first backyard flock! We live on a fairly small lot in a suburban area. Our city just changed the ordinance from max 3 hens to 1 per 1000 square feet of lot space, so I can have up to 6.

I originally ordered 1 red Orpington, 1 buff Orpington, and 1 lavender Orpington from Mt Healthy in February. I had to go out to June 21 to get all these hens, but I’m okay with that. Since it’s such a small flock, I want to be picky. Last week, I added an Easter Egger.

I’m tempted to add another Easter egger, but I’m worried chicken math is getting to me 😂

I decided 3 was too small in case one didn’t make it, or got sick later or ended up a too, I’d only be left with 2. But now I’m worried about my one Easter egger being lonely. And what if it’s a rare one that doesn’t lay colored eggs?

It seems from reviews, Mt Healthy usually throws an extra chick in. If I knew 100 percent it would be an extra Easter Egger, I’d hold off.

Has anyone ever not gotten an extra chick from Mt Healthy or any other Hatchery? Is there any way to influence which extra they send? I’m thinking if they do send an extra, it will probably be an Easter Egger or Buff Orpington because those are the most basic ones I ordered.

I’m not sure I want to max it out at 6. We do live in close quarters with neighbors and I’m so new to this. But what’s one more? :p

I feel like 5 is awkward because if we only get 4, I could always get a pair next year, but can’t really do that with 5.
The EE won't be lonely, being the only one of her breed. If anything, she'll probably be the top hen since Orpingtons are known for being even tempered and EEs can be a bit more spunky. I've never ordered from Mt. Healthy before, but every hatchery I've gotten straight run chicks from has given me 1-2 extra babies (depending on the order size). I don't usually get extras for sexed orders. Note that the majority of extra chicks are the hatcheries excess males, so if you are really wanting that extra EE hen, I'd go ahead and order one.
Mt Healthy says if you order all pullets, if you get an extra it will be a pullet. They only give you an extra of something you already ordered. Of course, I don’t know for sure if they honor that.

I also did add the Marek’s vaccine, maybe that will make it less likely they’ll send me an extra so they don’t have to vaccinate it? But it’s a flat $10 to vaccinate your whole order so maybe it doesn’t matter.
Mt Healthy says if you order all pullets, if you get an extra it will be a pullet. They only give you an extra of something you already ordered. Of course, I don’t know for sure if they honor that.

I also did add the Marek’s vaccine, maybe that will make it less likely they’ll send me an extra so they don’t have to vaccinate it? But it’s a flat $10 to vaccinate your whole order so maybe it doesn’t matter.
From the reviews I've read on them I'm sure they'd honor it
I think you should call them and ask.

Also, your EE will not get lonely being the only EE. Chickens don't think like that. If I were in your situation, I would stop at 4 so you can get 2 next year (3 if you lose one of this year's chicks) if you want to, since you can't really get just 1 and would probably need to buy a started pullet off Craigslist. I'm sure you could have the hatchery make a note on your order to NOT add an extra. I'm sure they've done that before for others who deal with city ordinances like you (and I) do.

Good luck and enjoy your new chickens!
Chicken math dictates that chickens with names don't count towards the total because they're pets.
Since mathematics is a perfect science, the city council MUST honor this.

Crack open a book of names and order away.
I like the way you think! I’m worried I’m going to annoy the neighbors. We are a suburb surrounded by a lot of small hobby farms, but I’m worried the chicken noise or smell will annoy them.
I like the way you think! I’m worried I’m going to annoy the neighbors. We are a suburb surrounded by a lot of small hobby farms, but I’m worried the chicken noise or smell will annoy them.
Then I'd stick with the Orps; EEs can get a little noisy singing their egg song. Also, the difference between 6 and 8 chickens is negligible; they're hard to count unless they're on their roost after dark. I'd disregard the 6 limit and risk having to re-home any extras if the city gets pushy.
Awesome news! Mt Healthy has all the breeds I wanted early! I was just looking at their website last night. I called and my ship date is now May 31! So excited!

They had a ton available on that date, now, if anyone is looking. I could have gotten 5 different colors of Orpingtons!

I stuck to my original order. 3 orpingtons and one Easter Egger, but didn’t tell them not to send an extra. Don’t want to overdo it year one. I’ll have all the chick supplies so if I want more, I’ll do it again next year. It makes me want to move to a bigger property- now that would be very expensive eggs.

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