Help! What is this??


Aug 12, 2021
Please excuse the gross looking picture, but I found this dropping the other day and I have no idea what it is! My first thought is worms, but why is it green? Any ideas?

The first picture is of the dropping when I found it and the second picture is after I sprayed it with water. It seems to have a worm like shape that did not break apart after spraying it with water...
IMG_1868 (1).jpg
That poop actually tells us quite a lot. There is intestinal lining (the part that remained after being rinsed), a little blood, and bile (green stuff).

If you have a chicken that is acting more lethargic than usual, not interested in her food, this behavior combined with the poop ingredients tells a story. A chicken perhaps that has intestinal parasites preventing absorption of nutrients, resulting in production of bile in the poop instead of normal waste, inflamed intestinal lining resulting in a developing bacterial infection, and a hint that the chicken will get sicker and perhaps die if not treated.

I suggest you collect the next poop you see of this kind, place it intact in a clean baggie, and take it directly to your vet and request a fecal float test to determine what parasites are creating havoc in this poor chicken. This would be a good idea because whatever is making this chicken sick will soon, if not already, make your other chickens sick. Knowing what's in the intestines will tell us what to do to treat it.

Vets may not be willing to run this poop test for a chicken if they don't treat chickens. Assure your vet that you will be responsible for the treatment once they give you the test results. Come back and post here, and we will take it from there, recommending the treatment suggesting what meds to order.
Thank you! This is exactly the info I was looking for! I haven't noticed any of my hens looking lethargic, but I will keep an eye on them and collect the next dropping of that kind.
What have you been feeding including treats?
They get Naturewise chick feed with calcium carbonate free choice. No treats, but lately they've been getting into the cats food. They have slipping through their fence, which we will be fixing this weekend so they can't escape anymore.

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