Help! My chickens were attacked by dogs

She’s stable. She seems ok, just not eating and drinking much. We have her inside in a dog kennel.

The dogs were not stray, just someone’s dogs that doesn’t keep them up. They killed 11 of our sheep as well. For the immediate future we are keeping the remaining hens in the coop and keeping our blue heeler (who’s very protective of our farm) outside at night. Their coop is very secure.

Just a terrible thing that I hope never happens again. Raised these girls from babies and it just breaks my heart. Thank you for all the kind words of comfort!
Besides killing the dogs if you can, there's another thing to consider.
In MO, each county maintains a fund to reimburse livestock owners for losses from dogs. It is funded by dog licenses. The attack has to be witnessed by one adult that is not a family member, reported and applied for within 7 days of the attack.
I found all this reading through the state statutes.
If a dog worries livestock here, the livestock owner can track the dog across the state and kill it wherever they find it except in a pen on its owners property. People at animal control didn't even know that till I told them. They hadn't read the law.
The dogs were not stray, just someone’s dogs that doesn’t keep them up.

When I was a young kid, my parents let our family dog run all over our small town. Our dog did not kill anyone's livestock, but he got into a lot of fights with other dogs. I guess it never bothered my parents. As an adult, I believe you need to be able to control your dogs and be responsible enough to keep them off other people's property. Yes, a dog can get off the chain or escape their kennel, but they should not be allowed to run free to kill livestock on other people's property.

I don't disagree with your right to protect your livestock from these free range dogs. You don't owe the other family more consideration than what they evidently have shown you and others. If you have to put the dogs down, I hope you can track down the owners and get some reimbursement for your losses. It might make them think twice about their responsibilities towards their neighbors and whether or not they still want to have dogs running free.

What a shame. I love dogs but not when they go bad. I am afraid if you don't put them down you are just open to more attacks. Good luck to you and yours.
Responsibility! I have a hound that I can't keep in my yard,so he is on a cable or leash,always! He has gotten loose but never harmed anyone or any livestock but I know that people have a right to protect their property and animals. If he gets shot it is MY fault. Whoever owns those dogs are not being responsible and you are paying the price. I have had two dogs bit my goats and found the owners,told them if I saw them in my goat field again I would shoot them. I love dogs but I hate when owners are not responsible. Sorry you are going through this,hope the dogs are brought under control soon.

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