Dog attack please help!


May 5, 2024
One of my chickens got attacked by a visiting dog yesterday. She looked dead but jumped up once someone touched her leg. Her beak is open and she can’t fully close it. Her head and eye look very swollen. The dog injured her side under the wing. She is unable to eat and drink maybe because of the beak? I gave her water and a raw egg via syringe. I also cleaned the wound and applied triple antibiotic cream. I gave her one dose of antibiotics. She seems alert and can walk. Please help me with the beak and that she can’t eat and drink. Will this get better? There seems to be some drainage coming out of the possible bite wound near her ear. Thank you


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Ouch😬. Maybe try feeding her some wet food by syringe and just keep doing what you’re doing and hopefully she’ll get better. If you have a vet nearby, I definitely suggest that. So sorry
Thank you for the reply. I’m giving her a raw egg and water by syringe. Not sure how many water I need to give her daily?
Thoroughly flush out the wounds with sterile saline in a spray bottle twice daily. Blot dry with a clean towel. Cover with triple antibiotic ointment (neosporin, original formula) which does not contain pain reliever in it. The pain reliever is toxic to birds. You can then also spray Veterycin gel on the wounds to keep them moist. Don't let them dry out. Watch for fly strike (maggots). You don't want scabs to cover the wounds. Infection can set in under scabs. If you see maggots, pick them out and flush them out with the saline. Offer her sugar water for shock. If she can't eat or drink you may have to tube feed her. Type tube feed chicken in this site's search bar. Don't "wing it," you HAVE to know what you're doing. Good luck!
Thank you for the reply. She is still the same today but I hear a gurgling noise that wasn’t there before. Any advice for this? She can’t eat or drink so I’m stringing water with sugar into her.
She gurgles when she exhales it seems. She wasn’t doing this but I noticed it today. Anything I can do to try and save her?
She gurgles when she exhales it seems. She wasn’t doing this but I noticed it today. Anything I can do to try and save her?
emergency vet. it sounds like she may have fluid in her lungs, which goes downhill FAST in small animals. you can try a course of oral antibiotics, but i think that requires a prescription. it may not be pneumonia, but it would need to be ruled out or treated quickly.

edit: i'm more familiar with mammals, but in general, if an animal can't or won't engage in natural behaviors such as eating or drinking for more than a few days, it is often kinder to let them go. i don't know all the details of your situation, but i strongly urge you to take her to the vet.

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