Help, KC isn’t acting right

Sure hope if an egg the cal glu gets it going. It’s okay to give another dose also latter in the day.
I gave it to her at 9am, and did a warm epsom bath. She then ate and drank well. I can’t feel any sort of egg, but I’m going to give another dose around 6pm to see if it gets her to lay. I’m hoping so. Thank you so much for the information and links to how to give it and such. I appreciate it so much. If she hasn’t laid by tomorrow morning, do I give it again?
One member had to give it I believe at least 4-5 times before her duck laid. Even if she isn’t egg bound it won’t hurt her to have it 3-4 X just keep it in the frig so it stays fresh in case you need it again.
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The eating and drinking more sure sounds good. So she may not be having egg issues all we can do it eliminate and start with what can usually happen if one of our females is acting off. So check in tomorrow and if she is acting completely normal eating good mingling with the flock and still no other symptoms don't give any more Cal Glu. When My Muscovy was egg-bound she didn't last more than 2 days and she secluded herself from the flock and would not eat or drink. I did not know about calcium gluconate then but I did try all I did know warm bathes keeping her inside were I could monitor her. Of course if you still think there maybe a chance she has an egg stuck you decide if giving her more Cal glu is best.
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I had already separated her because she was not mingling with the flock, and I was unsure if our male was singling her out and over-mating her. She seemed to be avoiding them maybe by staying in the coop. She is seemingly doing a bit better, but no egg still. Do they stop laying when broody? My husband seems to think they might, but I get split answers upon research. Again, not sure if she was broody because she was laying next to eggs, not on them.
Once they go full broody [have laid all the eggs they want to brood and in their minds they seem to know] They do stop laying and go full time broody.
Has she lost feathers on top of her head? down to skin ? that is one way of knowing she is getting singled out if none of the other girls look that way I have a Runner who was getting singled out and I put blue kote on her little wound and now she is healed and walking around with a purple head and the 2 drakes aren't messing with her.

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