Help! Flopping quail chicks!


May 8, 2024
Sandpoint, Idaho
Hi. My friend hatched 10 quail chicks this morning, and four of them can't stand up, they just lay on their back. They are walking on a washcloth, eating very fine chick starter mash, and drinking water with niacin in it. Please help
Photos or video?
Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

I'd use puppy pads or paper towels in the brooder instead of washcloths.

How much Niacin is being added to the water?
They are still in the incubator, not yet in the brooder. The washcloth was there to put the eggs on during lockdown. I will get a video as soon as I get a chance
Those 2 may not make it.

Get some B-Complex and Vitamin E into them. Dissolve 1/2 tablet B-Complex and one 400IU Vitamin E in a very small amount of water, give both of them drops of this solution throughout the day. Do this daily.

The only other thing I know of that you can try is to place the chick(s) in a coffee cup (line with paper towel, 1 chick per cup) or in a sling/chick chair to see if that gets them upright and their legs working better.

They do need to eat/drink. Soak their feed in a little water to make it mush and keep them hydrated. Of course, they need to be kept warm and placed where they are not getting trampled.

For the others, they seem to be doing o.k. but if you have vitamins/electrolytes to add to a water station that would be good.

Do note, that Quail like this, if they don't rally in a very short period of time, I cull, but give it a go and see if they come around.

I'll tag in @Nabiki and @007Sean whom may have other thoughts/suggestions.
How are the chicks doing? To be honest, I don't think they have a good chance. If they're not doing better by this morning, I would cull. They're not going to be able to eat or drink on their own if they can't get their feet under them.

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