Hatchlings in the bator, can I leave them overnight?


Mar 25, 2023
Hi all, I have two new hatchlings, one Poland and one Silkie, both are tiny compared to my usual hatchlings.

Will they be ok left in the incubator overnight then they can go to the brooder box tomorrow (bulb in heat lamp is broken and new one arrives tomorrow), my worry is that the humidity is too high for them now they've hatched but I don't want to open it up to empty the water and let them get cold; humidity is currently 75, anybody got any advice? First time hatching such small chickens, I'm used to bigger chicks and ducklings!
Thanks in advance 😁
theyll be fine, just be sure theres nothing in there they can possibly get hung up in, stumbling around .. leave a light on for them ..
theyll be fine, just be sure theres nothing in there they can possibly get hung up in, stumbling around .. leave a light on for them ..
Thanks, they're stumbling about and unsteady on their feet but I have non slip matting down for them. Hoping the stumbling isn't a bigger problem than newborn wobbles, I'll have a proper look in the morning but for now I'm pooped and off to bed (20 to 1 in the morning here 🫨😴
Thanks again.

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