Hatching Eggs Without Incubator Or Broody Hen??

Prince and Pavo

Apr 4, 2023
Hello! I have a question…Is there any way I can hatch eggs without an incubator or broody hen? Not because I don’t have access to either, but because I am curious to know if it’s possible and maybe even try it as an experiment. I’ve heard of people throwing eggs into a compost pile only to have little chicks walking around three weeks later! I was wondering if this is true, or if it’s even possible?? And I’m not exactly sure how to say this next question, but, are there other ways sorta similar to this in that you don’t need an incubator or broody hen to hatch eggs? Anyone have any experiences or stories that they’d like to share? Sorry if that’s a little unclear, I don’t really know how else to ask the question.
Hello! I have a question…Is there any way I can hatch eggs without an incubator or broody hen? Not because I don’t have access to either, but because I am curious to know if it’s possible and maybe even try it as an experiment. I’ve heard of people throwing eggs into a compost pile only to have little chicks walking around three weeks later! I was wondering if this is true, or if it’s even possible?? And I’m not exactly sure how to say this next question, but, are there other ways sorta similar to this in that you don’t need an incubator or broody hen to hatch eggs? Anyone have any experiences or stories that they’d like to share? Sorry if that’s a little unclear, I don’t really know how else to ask the question.
It might be fun to try to make a homemade incubator?? Especially if you have some kiddos in the family that can get in on that project; maybe a Summer Science Experiment? — I’d love to follow you here to see how it goes! 🧐
I’ve seen some people hatch an egg with the heat of their own body XD that was interesting to say the least!
It’s possible, humans have been improvising incubators for a very long time, but I would say it’s not a good idea. If the incubation temp and humidity isn’t right you could hatch a chick with major problems. That seems pretty cruel for an experiment that isn’t going to do much to further human knowledge. Hatching chicks with a proven incubator is fun and has less chance of messing up a chicks development.
I mostly agree with you @Cinnamon Roll, however I personally do think that it would further human knowledge. At the very least it would further my own as well as others who watch this thread if I shared my experience. I also view incubating eggs as giving them a chance at life, and I actually love helping deformed or defected chicks have a good life, so I wouldn’t call it cruel unless they were unable to survive. Although there is a lower chance of deformities and defects when using professionally manufactured incubators, it still happens and some chicks are simply unable to thrive.
If you look at YouTube there are all sorts of home made incubators used all around the world. There you go, now there’s no need for you to improperly incubate any eggs. Creating a deformed chick on purpose is a lot different than having one hatch when you gave it the best chance to develop properly.

Please just use a real incubator fit for purpose. It’s a first world privilege to have access to very effective incubators and it is in the chicks’ best interest to have the best start in life. I’m sure you are willing to take care of a chick with health problems, but it would not be you suffering with your intestines hanging out or misshapen legs after the hatch.
It might be fun to try to make a homemade incubator?? Especially if you have some kiddos in the family that can get in on that project; maybe a Summer Science Experiment? — I’d love to follow you here to see how it goes! 🧐
Update: I had no idea a homemade incubator would cause defects. I would never mean to suggest such a thing…. 😱
well, ive hatched eggs in a makeshift incubator, plastic tub with a light .. they need to be moved/turned though by hand, im pretty sure they cant go full term without being turned just laying in a compost pile, but could be wrong ... i know chicken eggs can 'start' to develop just laying out if its hot weather, ive had them hatch in the bator at like day 18 lol, means they were already going ..
Update: I had no idea a homemade incubator would cause defects. I would never mean to suggest such a thing…. 😱
A homemade incubator is not what causes the defects. It would be caused but improper or unsuitable conditions within the incubator or its assembly. People have successfully made incubators using things other than just store-bought materials.
well, ive hatched eggs in a makeshift incubator, plastic tub with a light .. they need to be moved/turned though by hand, im pretty sure they cant go full term without being turned just laying in a compost pile, but could be wrong ... i know chicken eggs can 'start' to develop just laying out if its hot weather, ive had them hatch in the bator at like day 18 lol, means they were already going ..
Yeah I figured you’re right and they have to be turned by hand still…maybe the story I heard about chicks hatching from a compost pile was because of the heat from the sun, the insulating soil, and the turning of the waste along with the eggs.
If you look at YouTube there are all sorts of home made incubators used all around the world. There you go, now there’s no need for you to improperly incubate any eggs. Creating a deformed chick on purpose is a lot different than having one hatch when you gave it the best chance to develop properly.

Please just use a real incubator fit for purpose. It’s a first world privilege to have access to very effective incubators and it is in the chicks’ best interest to have the best start in life. I’m sure you are willing to take care of a chick with health problems, but it would not be you suffering with your intestines hanging out or misshapen legs after the hatch.
You’re right and it wouldn’t be very thoughtful or caring for me to knowingly create problems in a chick, but I want to be very clear about one thing: I would NEVER purposely cause a chick to be deformed. I was simply saying that if any chick—whether it was hatched in a homemade incubator, in a store-bought incubator, no incubator at all (if even possible), or under a hen—was to end up having deformities, I would lovingly care for it and at least give it a chance, but definitely the best life possible as long as it lived. It may be more likely to have defects in an improper incubation environment, but if I was able to create a safe way to do this, I don’t think the chick’s disadvantage would necessarily be caused by it. I probably won’t even try this. I was only asking to see if it was possible but according to what everyone has said, it doesn’t sound like it is.

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