February Hatch-A-Long

Is February too early for a hatch?

  • Yeah, I'm going to wait until spring!

    Votes: 12 8.1%
  • My chickens haven't started laying yet!

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • No way! Hatching year-round is the way to go!

    Votes: 19 12.8%
  • The earlier the better!

    Votes: 10 6.8%
  • I'm going to summon spring with some early chicks!

    Votes: 22 14.9%
  • Already have eggs in the incubator!

    Votes: 84 56.8%

  • Total voters
I’ve been all over mine. And still no shrink wrapping. Glad to hear they got out!
Turns out I’ve got another one the same way. I pipped the air cell to be sure and looked at the bottom to find broken shell. :th
Could hear them peeping a storm. Expect they’ll be out in the morning. Just keeping the humidity up in the mean time.
Mine did take a little over 24 hours to hatch from her initial pip before I made it bigger. Let us know when they get out!
This is what the one that pipped on the wrong end looks like
1 of my CL was sticky mostly on his back, I washed it again, and it just pasted the fuzzy to his back like gorilla glue.

I was afraid the other chicks would peck him because you could see pink skin through the feathers. I took black halloween lipstick and put it on his back. They left him alone.

Below is some other chick pics at one day old...(there is a toy crow which I will remove, it looks like a dead bird. but don't worry!)



They like standing on it.
Below are the eggs they hatched from...
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I had the two that pipped late day 18 hatch out before 11pm on day 19.. one serama and one bantam EE :wee
Last night (d19) there were a bunnch of pips, but I wasn’t convinced anyone was going to hatch out but this morning I came down to 6 in total! I can’t 100% tell yet but it looks like another serama, mottled Cochin, and either 2 Millie fleurs or one buff Brahama (all bantams). Still 10ish more to go but most are pipping. Super happy considering all but the seramas were shipped eggs and I was traumatized by my last shipped egg hatch. Here’s some pics but I’ll try to get more later :)
Went to check on my broody serama who was on 5 eggs but she was off the nest so I took a good look at her eggs and it looks like all except one died, but the one that’s still alive is internally pipped.. not really sure what happened
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Yesterday during my day 21 hatch, I had an egg I mentioned, that had a very, very low dip (like a low cut dress). I thought for sure it was gone, and wanted to do eggtopsy on it. I punched into the air cell area. the white outer covered chick, but not shrink wrapped. I poked it with my finger, it didn't move. I thought it was dead. I pealed back the white outer layer and it bled. Arrgh! It was still alive. I put flour on the blood parts. It didn't make it. Maybe another day would have made the difference. I still think even if I didn't peal back the shell it would have been one of those dead in egg almost made it chicks.

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