dumb question: does the cold effect egg laying?


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
I have had chickens for 3 years. I know they stop or slow down in the winter because of light. I had 1 hen that barely took a break before starting back up. Then some pullets start between Dec/Jan. and one other Hen started back up a couple weeks ago. Like other places we had a drop in temp last week. My hen that started back to laying Jan 1st hasn't laid since Jan 18th (she was laying 1 taking 2 days off laying again), the 1 that barely took a break for the winter decided to stop Jan 16th. oh and another Hen started back up Dec 28th after her break and stopped laying a few days ago (she laid every other day consistently). Then one of my pullets started laying Jan 14th laid the 16th, 18th and nothing since....... I know pullets when they start can be a bit irregular but I haven't had one that started irregular and then just stop.

so wasn't sure if it was the big drop in temps that caused them to stop? I know in extreme heat they can stop so wasn't sure if same for the cold. They didn't seem to do it last year when we had the bitter cold but that may have been just that they hadn't started back up yet (I can't remember).

I also have 1 pullet that laid her first egg Sept 9th and then nothing after was thinking maybe it wasn't her egg (I have cameras in my coop so can see who lays where), well then Jan 3rd she laid again and I was 100% sure it was her and it was the same color as the Sept 9 egg so pretty sure both were her...... I was thinking even though most pullets lay all winter maybe that was why she didn't lay from Sept- Jan. well she hasn't laid anything since. She is perfectly healthy, eats well etc. Is there a chance this is just her getting in sync? She hatched in March so she isn't a "young" pullet. I have a 2 yr old hen that has never laid an egg in her life (yes she is a hen and not sure why she doesn't lay? internal layer maybe?????) and a 3 yr old hen that only lays a handful of eggs a year........ Not sure I want to keep a 3rd one that barely lays but they are my pets and I feel bad getting rid of them for not laying but I also have them for eggs and don't want a coop full of poor layers.........
If it gets really hot or cold, they may stop for awhile.
Thanks. I was thinking that was it but the last 2 winters I don't remember them stopping once they started back up, but they may have. It wasn't even a "severe " cold like other places but we went down to single digits to teens at night and low to mid 20's in the day where we had been in the mid to high 30's. Guessing my girls didn't like that. LOL stinks since I was so excited to FINALLY be getting eggs again since my pullets were starting to lay finally (March- June hatches) so was up to 11 out of 26 (not counting my 2 older ones that don't like to lay) that were laying to now be back down to 7. :( LOL The biggest shock to me was the pullet that laid 3 consistently then stopped..... I have had them lay 1 then it be 3-7 days till their 2nd etc. and be a bit wonky the first few but never a set thing for a few then stop. and she is my FIRST pretty blue egg layer so I was even more excited for her eggs since I have been trying for blue eggs for 3 years and haven't had any luck!
Good question* it will effect depending on what breed u have all breeds will be effected diffrently what breeds do you have I wil only be alble to help on 20-30 breeds the other breeds i know of I wont be alble to help because i dont know enough to be completly acurate and it all depends on the chicken yet
I think it does, to a degree. The main factor is light for sure, but especially for birds that can't handle the cold, it does play a role. When the cold weather hit for good, my serama, who were laying one to two eggs a week, stopped completely
Thanks. I am in MA so they are pretty cold hearty breeds. We have been having gloomy weather so not much sunlight but days are getting longer. I have had an EE, an Ameraucana (pure not EE), an OE, and a brahma stop laying. The Brahma is the one that has laid pretty much the entire winter with only a short break so figured she just needed a bit of a break. Think she even laid some during her molt this year. She will be 2 in April so her 2nd winter and she laid her whole first winter as well.
Good question* it will effect depending on what breed u have all breeds will be effected diffrently what breeds do you have I wil only be alble to help on 20-30 breeds the other breeds i know of I wont be alble to help because i dont know enough to be completly acurate and it all depends on the chicken yet
the one that laid most of the winter with only a short break and has recently stopped in a Brahma so the cold shouldn't effect her. I think she just needed a break where she didn't really stop this winter.

The 2 hens are an OE and an EE. The pullet that laid 3 eggs then stopped is a pure Ameraucana.

The other one I mentioned that laid 1 egg in Dec and 1 in Jan is a "project" brahma (she looks like a Brahma has breed standard stuff but the breeder I hatched her from has been working for years to get a brahma that lays green eggs which she does. But the breeders girls that she has from this line lay like 3-5 eggs a week)
the one that laid most of the winter with only a short break and has recently stopped in a Brahma so the cold shouldn't effect her. I think she just needed a break where she didn't really stop this winter.

The 2 hens are an OE and an EE. The pullet that laid 3 eggs then stopped is a pure Ameraucana.

The other one I mentioned that laid 1 egg in Dec and 1 in Jan is a "project" brahma (she looks like a Brahma has breed standard stuff but the breeder I hatched her from has been working for years to get a brahma that lays green eggs which she does. But the breeders girls that she has from this line lay like 3-5 eggs a week)
what type of brahma i have alot of them so cute
One is a buff Brahma. That is the one that laid pretty much all winter. The project Brahma that lays green is actually splash. Then I have 2 light Brahmas.
I have all brahmas makes sence the buff one layed all winter those ones should lay the most in the winter some of my brahmas increase when its colder the reason they would not lay is because the days are shorter for brahmas

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