Drake bill is molting?


Jul 22, 2023
Hi I have a question...Is this OK for a drake's bill to look like this? Why this is happening to their bills? This isn't my drake and it's from: https://instagram.com/fatty_and_friendsigshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
The owner said it's OK for drake but it looks really bad imo..what we can do to help our drake in tuis state? I have two 8 months drakes and I'm afraid this is going to happen to them too..Should I help them in this state by scrubbing their bills and applying lotion?
it looks not good to me either but I don’t know if I would scrub it because if that is some kind of big scab, I don’t want it to break off and bleed but perhaps I would spray it with a little vetricyn being careful not to get that in his eyes, and then put ointment on it like a Neosporin without any pain relief in it.
You could try some ACV with mother in his drinking bucket it has some medicinal properties and can kill some bacteria 1 Tab to 1 gallon of water [no sting]
Do not scrub. I have seen members post about their ducks bill peeling and it is said to be natural.
I think this is just a somewhat extreme example of a natural phenomenon. My son's pekin's bills flake and peel periodically. I haven't seen it in my muscovy. Beaks are built of keratin and are unlikely to get bacterial infections. A fungal infection is more likely than a bacterial infection, but even so, still very unlikely. I think if infected it would be wet not dry and flakey

Apple cider vinegar wont harm and might ward off a fungal infection. But in a month that bill is likely to look just normal!!
You could try some ACV with mother in his drinking bucket it has some medicinal properties and can kill some bacteria 1 Tab to 1 gallon of water [no sting]
Do not scrub. I have seen members post about their ducks bill peeling and it is said to be natural.
I think this is just a somewhat extreme example of a natural phenomenon. My son's pekin's bills flake and peel periodically. I haven't seen it in my muscovy. Beaks are built of keratin and are unlikely to get bacterial infections. A fungal infection is more likely than a bacterial infection, but even so, still very unlikely. I think if infected it would be wet not dry and flakey

Apple cider vinegar wont harm and might ward off a fungal infection. But in a month that bill is likely to look just normal!!
Tnx for sharing your experience with me....I was so worried when I saw this LoL

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