Does anyone have pic's of Peafowl Growth and color change timeline?

The peacock you are trying to identify is a spalding. That is why he has more barring and has more of a green shine to his neck. I am not sure if you noticed, but your spalding has more defined feathers that look like scales. If you compare him to your new BS peacock, you will see that the BS has one solid color of blue. The spalding on the other hand will have the scaling look and be more green. He has the scaling since green peafowl have this very pretty scaling on their feathers:


This is a Pavo muticus muticus. I copied this picture from Wolfgang's website:
Thank you, I just learned something new!

Joe, now you know why he's greener than my blues...
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Blue creek I am not saying you are wrong, Because I to think he has green blood in him, He is just very green no matter when I look at him, night or day sun light flash light it does not matter, I do not see much blue in him, But what pic did I post that makes you think he has scale type pattern? I am just wondering?
I see yours has quite a few white Flights, Mine has a lot more green to the Neck then yours, No matter the angle, I do see blue but green is def dominate. I couldn't get a good pic of mine to show off the green.

These are the pictures where you can clearly see his scaling. The reason for him being more green is because he is a spalding peacock. He is not an India Blue peacock, so why would be be blue like an India Blue? He has a decent amount of green blood in him which makes him be greenish. If he was a really low percentage spalding then he would not have as much scaling nor would he be that green. I find these differences in peafowl very easy to distinguish, but that is probably because I myself either currently have or had green peafowl, blue peafowl, and spalding peafowl. Spalding peafowl all range for being nearly exactly like a blue peacock, all the way to nearly looking like a pure green peacock, which is quite scary...

Here is a super low percentage spalding:

Here is a super high percentage spalding:

Spaldings can come anywhere between those two extremes. Yours would fall probably at least halfway with his amount of green blood.
I am trying to learn here so I may ask a lot of ? and some may be dumb. If he has a lot of green blood why would he have so much Barring on his back/Wing's? Should I see yellow at some point on his face? His Crown was picked off but is slowly coming back even though his head is still bald.

I would like for him to be a spalding since I have the BSIB's it would be nice to have a different one, plus I have a Spalding Hen.
Exactly how old is this peacock? Spalding typically start getting the yellow blooms in their face by their first winter. Since in NY our peas are kept inside most of the time, they do not get much sunlight, but they definitely would have yellow by now since they are outside now. The barring is interesting I must say. I was looking at pictures of my spalding peacock when he was around one year old and he was much darker by then.
He is about 10 Months old, I'll try to get some pic's this week, Trying to get all of the other spring stuff going now.

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