Question about Black Shoulder Peafowl genetics

Prince and Pavo

Apr 4, 2023
I have an almost-two-year-old peacock that I hatched from an egg which my neighbor gave me. He appears to be a black shoulder peacock, and he was white when he hatched. His mom is a black shoulder. I don’t know who or where my neighbor got this female or any of her other peafowl from, but I do know that she is her only BS. All the others appear to be India blues. My question is, is my BS male considered a pure BS or would he be split to something else? I don’t know much about genetics at all, but from what I’ve read I couldn’t find anything that said black shoulder split to India blue, it was always the other way around (IB split BS). It is possible that one of her males could be IB split BS but I really don’t know. If my peacock had offspring with a BS hen, would they all be be BS or would some look like IB?

I’d also like to learn more about how breeding certain colors and patterns produces different results in offspring, so if anyone could share more about the genetics behind this, that would be great! Thanks!
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Two BS birds will produce BS all of the time, one BS and one split to BS will produce BS about half of the time and two split to BS will produce BS about 25% of the time.

Colors and patterns are two different things, both can be split to but some colors, mainly sex-linked colors have different rules.
Thank you!

Is there any way to tell if my male is full BS or just split? Or are all BS peafowl considered 100% BS?

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