Do all Tractor Supply stores use Hoover's Hatchery?


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2020
In April, my husband went to buy chicks in Tractor Supply. They had Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, CC Broilers, assorted Bantums, Bovan Browns, and assorted pullets. Hoover's Hatchery doesn't seem to sell Ameraucanas, so I assumed they were Americanas/Easter Eggers. He asked for 10 Ameraucanas. It turns out that five of the chicks they sold him were actually not Ameraucana/Easter Eggers. Judging by what they had available that day, these five chicks are maybe Bovan Browns.. but Hoover's Hatchery doesn't sell those either? So, I'm wondering what chickens I actually have. Is it possible that my local Tractor Supply uses a different hatchery?


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In April, my husband went to buy chicks in Tractor Supply. They had Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, CC Broilers, assorted Bantums, Bovan Browns, and assorted pullets. Hoover's Hatchery doesn't seem to sell Ameraucanas, so I assumed they were Americanas/Easter Eggers. He asked for 10 Ameraucanas. It turns out that five of the chicks they sold him were actually not Ameraucana/Easter Eggers. Judging by what they had available that day, these five chicks are maybe Bovan Browns.. but Hoover's Hatchery doesn't sell those either? So, I'm wondering what chickens I actually have. Is it possible that my local Tractor Supply uses a different hatchery?
Why woukd you assume they use hoovers? I would think they have their own hatchery. In my personal experience TSC has a tendency to be wrong on a lot of things. Ive had bad straight runs and bad pullet runs. I only buy pullets now but I think if I was ordering more than 15 Id buy from a hatchery and not them.

Btw: that looks like a golden comet (sex link between RIR and leghorn)
No, they use hatcheries, they don't breed their own
Why woukd you assume they use hoovers? I would thibk they have their own hatchery. In my personal experience TSC has a tendency to be wrong on a lot of things. Ive had bad straight runs and bad pullet runs. I only buy pullets now but I think if I was ordering more than 15 Id buy from a hatchery and not them.
TSC uses multiple hatcheries. It's in their best interest to use the nearest hatchery. Yes, their Ameraucanas are actually EEs. The good news is they have some beautifully colored EE pullets. Your red hen is a red sex link that can go by many different names based on the parentage combination and the hatchery. You will have loads of large brown eggs to compliment the green ones.
No, they use hatcheries, they don't breed their own
They do use hatcheries. The problem with TSC isn’t the hatcheries they use, it’s that their staff has little knowledge of chickens. The one near me has three brooders, and they end up putting more than one breed together in a brooder.
I can’t tell chicks apart myself for the most part either, so when I got my first group of chicks, they were supposed to be Buff Orpingtons. I trusted them to sell me what I asked for. One of them is a BO, one is a leghorn (I think), and two died.
They do use hatcheries. The problem with TSC isn’t the hatcheries they use, it’s that their staff has little knowledge of chickens. The one near me has three brooders, and they end up putting more than one breed together in a brooder.
I can’t tell chicks apart myself for the most part either, so when I got my first group of chicks, they were supposed to be Buff Orpingtons. I trusted them to sell me what I asked for. One of them is a BO, one is a leghorn (I think), and two died.

Yeah, I couldn't believe that they would do that. My friend noticed right away that they were different than her true Ameraucana chicks. If I had gone to Tractor Supply myself I would have been suspicious, but my husband just trusted them. I don't blame him. They acted very confident while giving him bad information and selling him the wrong chicks. :rolleyes:
TSC uses multiple hatcheries. It's in their best interest to use the nearest hatchery. Yes, their Ameraucanas are actually EEs. The good news is they have some beautifully colored EE pullets. Your red hen is a red sex link that can go by many different names based on the parentage combination and the hatchery. You will have loads of large brown eggs to compliment the green ones.

They have been friendly, and really good layers. I just would've preferred having maybe 2 rather than 4 (one chick died) of these.
Thanks, guys. It seems obvious that they would use various hatcheries, but I just wanted to be certain. :)

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