bovan browns

  1. old mama hen

    Molting in Bovan browns

    We bought 15 Bovan brown layers March 26 from an egg producer. They were 1 year old and just going into molt. It's been 13 weeks and the most eggs we have gotten in one day is 3. Wondering if this is normal for this breed. Any thoughts?
  2. L

    Do all Tractor Supply stores use Hoover's Hatchery?

    In April, my husband went to buy chicks in Tractor Supply. They had Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, CC Broilers, assorted Bantums, Bovan Browns, and assorted pullets. Hoover's Hatchery doesn't seem to sell Ameraucanas, so I assumed they were Americanas/Easter Eggers. He asked for 10 Ameraucanas...
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