Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Babies are here! One of the four sadly was DOA. Not sure I can place blame on the vendor (MPC) or bad luck... The other three are doing alright. The Green Queen is a little wobbly and the weakest of the bunch, so I'm keeping a close eye on her. She's already my favorite. The Cream Legbar is LOUD lol

They're eating and drinking a lot and figuring out their new home. Hope I'm doing this right! 🙏

Sorry to hear you lost one :( Losing one in shipping is always sad.

What was the third breed you got?
Hello all! So super busy 6 months as we’ve moved home ( with 2 budgies, 10 chickens and a geriatric Cat), but all settled in now. Chooks still in temporary run, but now the weathers picking up ‘himself’ can start on a new design and build the run. Loads more land here (3 acres) so I feel the menagerie will increase! AND we’ve ‘inherited’ a lot of ducks and moor hens! View attachment 3813436View attachment 3813437
Your birds are beautiful! I especially love your little mottled one. Having more space means the chicken math can officially take hold 😉
Hello!! Yes, life has been crazy but good. We have 2 thriving flocks that we love very much. Lots of snuggling going on!! The Rocks have been producing tons of eggs and are happy it is spring so they can munch on bugs and grass. Since the grass started growing we are able to move the chicken tractors around several acres to give them a fresh area every few days. Thanks for all you do!! This is Lil Bit. She "dozes" whenever I pick her up. She is the sweetest chicken.
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How wonderful! :wee Lil Bit looks so happy in that photo. Hope to see you around the forum more!
thanks for contacting me. I know I've been very quiet, though i have belonged to, and read the correspondence for about 30 years (how long has the site existed?).
I do have a question as it happens. Does a wrinkled shell mean the hen is getting old? I've had a couple of very odd ones, then found one of our two hens dead in the pen yesterday morning. I don't know how old she was. Given to me with nine others by someone living next door to my cleaning person.
You might be amused by this little poem. It did actually happen. Virginia.


They met at the back door
He was going out
she was coming in
Bemused enchanted
They stood face to face
eye to eye
She was charmed by
his long fluttering eyelashes
So she took a peck

Only eight months old
though already walking
Who was he to stand
between a chook and her beloved
cat food?

This was my grandson, who did walk at eight months, so was eye to eye with the Isa Brown who was always escaping the pen. We are vegetarians, so the cat kibble is very popular. This hen was often at the door, waiting to sneak in.
This has been published in The Myopic's Vision: a poetic memoir (Ginninderra Press, 2023). It has one poem for each year of my quite long life - several on the chooks who have accompanied it for forty years or so.
Nice to hear from you! Wrinkled eggs can be a symptom of old age, as the egg production system is wearing down a bit. If you only have one hen left, you might consider getting her a friend or two, as chickens are quite social animals, and get lonely easily.

Nice poem as well. :)
We haven't really been up to anything. My flock got cut basically in half last fall mostly due to a pack of coyotes and a couple were lost to canker. It has been a hard time emotionally. But the flock I have left is doing great and super happy to see the green grass and buggies.
I’m sorry to hear that. Coyotes can be a huge pain. I lost a hen to canker as well, this winter, and it was tough. I hope your remaining birds continue happy and healthy.
Currently growing 8 French Black Copper Maran chicks. Hatched 14 chicks 5 weeks ago, trying to decide which of the 14 i'm going to give away. Trying to figure out male of female of these 14, building safe containers to put in current run so the old hens will get to know the little one when I put them in the run. Raising chicks is work! But I love it. Here are a couple pictures of 2 of the chicks I hatched, anyone care to guess, Pullet or Cockerel? I'm not sure at this point. 37 days old, so a little over 5 weeks old.
Thanks for stopping by! Sound interesting, maybe even a good thread
Hi chicken peeps!!
We've been busy homeschooling and adding to our little farm (Angora bunnies!) But our chickens are thriving and loving life. Still pooping on our porch and trying to get in our house, but we love them anyway 😆 We recently spring cleaned the coop and repainted the framing. Next I just need to do some maintenance on my auto watering system and rain barrels!
Thanks for stopping by! Glad you’re doing well!
Sorry to hear you lost one :( Losing one in shipping is always sad.

What was the third breed you got?
It is... Poor little baby... A Cuckoo Marans which could very well be a Blue Cuckoo Marans. She seems to be softer/grayer/bluer than I expected. Someone on the "breeds" forum says Blue. Can't wait to see!
We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
We have survived the first round of tornados here in Nebraska. We are now preparing for the second round starting this evening. Stay safe all.

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