Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

We now have 12 lovely ducks, 2 Pekins and 10 Muscovy’s. We have a new mommy who’s sitting on 8 eggs and doing well.
It was a hard winter keeping up with the heat lamps and making sure they were all warm enough.
Our boy Franklin (who has scoliosis) is doing well and is never picked on. He looks so uncomfortable but seems happy and well!
We are very concerned about our male Pekin, he lost his mate and has been going downhill and won’t bathe. He looks terrible and has sores and his feathers are a mess.
We are terribly worried!
I just posted a thread about him and enclosed pictures but only got one response.
I think we are losing him..
I'm sorry to hear about your duck not doing well. Hopefully, the community can provide more advice and support. Please keep us updated on his progress. Sending positive vibes your way!
Nice to hear from you 🙂
I still frequent the site, just not signed in. It's my favorite spot for getting my chicken questions answered. But my introverted self still struggles with posting on forums...oh well.
I've been changing over from the bantams to full size. I have 2 of my original 3 bantams, the third passed about a week ago. Now I have 2 black stars and 5 barnyard mixes out in the coop with my bantams, and 5 barred rock plus 5 black australorp chicks in the brooder. It's my first experience with baby chicks without a broody hen taking care of them, so should be interesting.
And I really needed a better facility for them, so I converted an old carport into a coop/run combo. Still have some work to do on it, but got them moved in recently. I think it's why my old bantam girl died...she was really stressed by the move. 😔
Anyway, future plans are to move the old coop to a new location closer to my new coop, shed and water source, and use it as a brooder/hospital wing/bachelor pad whatever the most pressing need happens to be at the time. After that, a fence goes up around the whole thing.View attachment 3813792
Your new set up looks great!
I bet they would like a roost higher up in that area too.
Hey y'all!! I'm still here! We've been good still have our birds from 2020! Everyone is healthy and doing well and we've added some goats in the mix! They're all a huge family! Thanks for checking in! I'm still here and come to read when I need to and still keep tabs on what to do for certain emergencies just in case I should come across something in the future! I still love the BYC community! ❤️
So nice to hear that peeps still love BYC! YAY US!!!

Great to know that your birds from 2020 are thriving! Don't hesitate to share any new stories or pictures with us. We love hearing about your adventures!
Currently chicken-less thanks to the 'neighbor' who decided 5+ years of me having chickens was suddenly offensive and sicced the HOA on me. HOA later made the mistake of letting slip someone on the board is specifically targeting me, so we're kinda at a Mexican standoff right now.

Past couple of years have been me redoing my back yard to make a privacy hedge comprised mostly of blackberries, honeysuckle, a pecan tree, apple trees, peaches, and some native fruit trees (hackberry, mulberry, and wild grape). They're gonna wish they let me keep the chickens when the blackberries and honeysuckle really take off :p. Also my yard attracts all the outdoor cats so I'm in the process of trapping them. So far my record is two owned cats and one TNR male. Aiming for a second TNR this week but we'll see whose pet cat I get instead this time. 9_9

Next step is to get my coop moved to a slightly more hidden location behind my house. Hoping by late this year or next spring I can risk a couple of chickens again. All of my immediate neighbors have told me they miss the chickens, and I do too.
Wow, what a situation with the HOA and your neighbor! It sounds like you're handling it with a lot of creativity and resilience, though.... probably better than I would ;)

Your backyard redo and all the plants sounds awesome. Must post pics!!! :D

Fingers crossed that you’ll be able to reintroduce a few chickens to your yard soon without any HOA drama. Keep us posted on how things go, and best of luck with your backyard projects and your ongoing negotiations!
I just picked up 2 Black Copper Marans. They lay gorgeous chocolate colored eggs and are suppose to be quite tasty as well. I got mine in Casitas Springs from a gal there raising different varieties of birds
Are these your eggs?
I need some!

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