Sponsored Post Californians Will Appreciate Value of Freedom Poultry Feeds

You are mostly correct chicken dude. Its just scientists natural selection process sped up so we can feed more people in the future.
I'm not sure it's that benign. The "Food Inc" movie states they inject insect DNA into plants so insects think they are insects not plant. If an insect won't eat it, should I? I don't know a whole lot about the subject so can't make much of an argument about.
Soy and corn are normaly good healthy foods, but now days almost all of it is Genetically Modified and not really safe to eat. Even organic and non-GMO food is already contaminated with Monsanto's "Round Up ready" gene and is unsafe. Thats why it's best to avoid anything with soy, corn, canola, and sugar beet's sugar.....even if its organic because chances are the farm where the crop was grown was probably next to another farm that grew the same crop, but the GMO version instead, and bees cross pollinated and wind blew over seeds and contaminated the organic farm's crops. It's happened before, and they weren't happy stories....

Food Inc was a great movie, other similar movies on Netflix are:

Farmageddon, Forks over Knives, Vegucated, Food Fight .just to name a few...
In Virginia there is Countryside Organics in Waynesboro for non-gmo animal feed and seed. https://www.facebook.com/countrysideorganic?fref=ts

Yes. I am part of a co-op that purchases pallets from this company. We coop it to reduce shipping costs. It is VERY important to me, our group, that NO GMO's be fed our birds. The no soy is an added benefit.

Genetically Modified Organisms are not safe for human consumption, regardless of what the FDA would have one believe.
I double that. Before you say somethinghave atleast one source from a group of people that do solid research, not a one sided hate group please.
A lot of GMO corn and soybeans are modified to be resistant to the herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup), not to diseases. There's actually a problem with weeds developing resistance to RoundUp where these crops are grown. Some GMO corn is modified to produce the toxin that Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) makes that kills caterpillars (lepidopteran insects).

FDA has a list on their website, if you're interested in the various types of GMO plants that have been approved.

http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scrip...LOE),C1, D%@, &rpt=bioListing&displayAll=true

A few are related to disease resistance but most are herbicide resistance or BT toxin production.
GMO is destroying natural habitat for the Monarch Butterfly, an American image that carries pride. But how can we think of us as a people of nature when we destroy our own mascot for conservation? I will do my part by not buying GMO and companies like Coke that supported GMO. They will not tell me on the package because they know that if I found out that they used GMO, I would not buy their product. There is a list of companies that supported GMO that you can look up.
GMO is a good person's brainchild that was tweaked too much for the most profit. That person must be spinning in his grave.
This is part fact and part opinion. The scary part is that there fact in here.
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