Sponsored Post Californians Will Appreciate Value of Freedom Poultry Feeds


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012

A message from our sponsor King Feed
Note: King Feed is currently only available in California

The use of GMO's (genetically modified organisms) is center stage in California after a failed ballot measure for mandated labeling. For many people, consumption of GMO's by their family or their animals is of great concern and just one of the reason's behind the dramatic increase in "Modern Homesteading".

Historically, there have been two types of commercial poultry feeds available to consumers: basic and organic. Organic feeds are produced, processed, and certified to consistent national organic standards established by the National Organic Program (NOP). For consumers that wanted a GMO free poultry feed, organic was the only solution - until now.

Freedom Poultry Feeds were designed to give modern homesteaders a cost effective, GMO free feed that aligns with their values and ethics, while producing healthy birds and products.

These natural feeds (no artificial dyes, flavors or preservatives, drugs or hormones) are GMO, Soy and Corn-FREE, provide a balanced diet supporting the higher nutritional needs of colored egg layers, have guaranteed levels of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids and are enhanced with nutraceuticals to improve bird health, production and product quality including:
· Pre and probiotics (heat stable live bacteria) establish healthy gut microflora, improve digestion, enhance immune function and overall health,
· Diatomaceous Earth for parasite management, improved feed conversion, weight gain and egg quality and production including more, heavier and larger eggs containing more albumen and yolk,
· A Gastrointestinal (G/I) herb complex encourages feed intake, stimulates digestion for healthier birds and enhances
yolk color,
· Omega 3’s to support hearth health and enhanced egg nutrition,
· Antioxidants to protect against the harmful effect of free radicals,
· Natural Enzymes to improve feed efficiency and reduce levels of nitrogen/phosphorus for eco-friendly waste management.

Freedom Poultry Feeds are available as Starter and Broiler Crumbles (20% Protein) and Layer (17% Protein) Pellets or Crumbles and can be found at KingTM Feed Dealers throughout California (find a dealer near you at www.king-brand.com) or purchased on-line at www.hearnestore.com.
Celebrating 75 years of quality, healthful animal feeds; L.A. Hearne Company is a 4th generation, family owned and operated mill in Central California. The KingTM Poultry Line also includes Poultry Essentials, Organic and our award winning Pro Am Show Feeds.
KingTM Feeds, 512 Metz Road, King City, CA 93930. www.king-brand.com 800.253.7346
I currently buy H and H soy free non-gmo, my chickens love it but it does get pricey. I personally like the idea of no soy, no gmo, no corn, and organic feed. Honestly my animals eat better than I do! I would like to find one just as good though closer to me or at least cheaper!
I didn't know they made non-organic feed that was still gmo and corn/soy free. This is great, it's probably cheaper than the organic kind (although I wish I could buy it). So what the difference between King feed and organic feeds if they both contain no gmos? And the store website link didn't work, does anybody now what stores it is sold in? We live in California.
Wait wait wait! What's wrong with corn and soy???? Ilf your trying to feed your chickens as the homsteaders did don't you think they threw their livestock fresh cracked corn everyday. And soy? Why wouldn't we let animals eat it, its very high in nutritional value otherwise humans wouldn't eat it. Please comment if you share a different opinion.
I wish we had this feed in FL. Does anyone know of an equivalent? The only organic feed I can find is a lot like a scratch with a ton of powder material which all goes to waste.
Wait wait wait! What's wrong with corn and soy???? Ilf your trying to feed your chickens as the homsteaders did don't you think they threw their livestock fresh cracked corn everyday. And soy? Why wouldn't we let animals eat it, its very high in nutritional value otherwise humans wouldn't eat it. Please comment if you share a different opinion.

Corn and soy used to be wonderful products but now with the invent of GMO's they aren't safe. Of coarse there are opinions and this is just mine. Watch the movie Food Inc and you will learn so much about these topics. The other great movie to see to educate yourself is Gas Hole. They are both on Netflix and have websites with information if you can't watch the movies.
soy and corn ARE safe u just have to find the non GMO corn and soy and grow it yourself or buy it from someone that grows it and make your own feed with it. also one opinion that i have heard arguing FOR gmo's is that some scientists are only transfering disease resistance traits on to future seed. supposedly this makes getting the varieties of seed that are resistant to certain diseases faster to obtain rather than the old fashioned way, which is exposing seed to the disease and selecting the plants that grew in spite of the disease which meant the plant gained the disease resistance naturally. Scientists say they are just speeding up this process of getting disease resistance.

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