Apr 30, 2018
Tooele, UT
Has anyone used this product?

JVR Automatic Chicken Door Coop Opener Kit, Waterproof Light Sensor Controller Actuator Motor, 12V DC/Solar Battery Power (Light Sensation)

14 out of 19 users on Amazon give it a 5-star rating followed by 2 giving 4-stars, 2 giving 3-stars, and 1 giving a 1-star review.

I'm trying to find an auto coop door to install that is reliable, relatively easy to install, low maintenance, reputable, and is safe for my sweeties. Additionally, I do NOT have any electric going out to my coop so it would need to run on battery or solar.

I also want there to be a "second-chance" feature so if one of my feathered sweeties is distracted when the time to go in has come, she still has the chance to get in at night. Finally, I don't want to go out to find one of my girls trapped by the door coming down on her.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!!
Adding a link might help...

Chickens can't see well at night so if the door closes at dusk there will be no more chickens wanting to come in because they have chosen some place else to roost for the night.

Good luck in your search.

Doors that use linear actuators can be dangerous to stubborn chickens. I tried a photo cell on my DIY door (I've made several) and without some smarts it will close at unexpected times like thunderstorms.

So true.
If I ever get around to automating the buildings, I'll be using a program that uses the date, latitude and longitude to determine when to close the doors rather than ambient light.
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