Adding a secure "free range" area to a coop and run

I was thinking some sort of 4-6 foot chain link fence that's attached to both fences (the back and the side). I just don't want them cemented into the ground.

The reason for it not to be permanent is it will be cutting across the back corner of a yard and would only be valuable to someone who wants chickens, otherwise, it messes up the yard. I just don't know how to put a fence in without it being cemented or deeply dug into the yard.

I'm wondering if something like a feedlot panel would work. I just don't know how to secure it or what kind of posts are needed.
Yes, they are BUT must be secured every 4' to posts and put chicken wire on hardware cloth over to keep chickens in. I am in the middle of zip tying then to pipe horse panels as my 100'x80'grass area is adjacent to my coop and run area and between my horse paddocks and arena so I have to make it about 40x100 to keep a horse walk way so am sinking Tposts every 4' and it's quite sturdy that way, plus very easy to remove when needed.I just tie the end of a panel where I want to enter and it folds back easily.

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