
  1. Lovemylilcluckers

    Outside Roosts Dog Proof

    We have had the same (shepherd) dog jump our fence twice in the last two months taking out 25 chickens. He is very determined! We have now raised the fence to 6-8 feet in most areas but I’m hoping to put a roost out in our fully fenced pasture. Any suggestions and pictures yard roosts that are...
  2. J

    Chicken roost ideas

    We have a run that is completely safe from predators.(In my experience of 3 years with no predator deaths other than ones that escape). I’m looking at getting more chickens, but I don’t think it’s necessary to build a full coop. What ideas for just roosts places that aren’t eye sores do people...
  3. R

    Perch covers - does that product exist?

    So I was scrubbing all the disgusting heat-baked poop off my roosting bars this morning. That got me to thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if there were some kind of rubber or silicone cover that just pops on and off a 2x4? Instead of washing and scrubbing the wood (and leaving it damp), you...
  4. HenHouse Henry

    I want to move the hen's roost.

    I want to move my roost to the other side of my open coop, I was wondering if they will freak out if I take down the old roost and let them figure it out. I have already put in the new one and they don't seem to be interested.
  5. Loweryfarm

    Coop build on Advice.

    I bought a used large rabbit hutch that I figured I could convert to a chicken coop and have some ideas but would love advice/ideas as well. its 10 ft long and 32” wide, floor to top is about 8 feet. I obviously want to cover the bottom half so it’s more of an enclosed coop. I was thinking...
  6. K

    How can I encourage my heritage turkeys to roost in a tree and not on a roof?

    Hi All -- Second year in a row I am raising up a bunch (25-30) of heritage breed turkeys for holiday eating. Mostly mixed breed heritage (generally looking like standard bronzes but some lighter) and Bourbon reds. Last year, I didn't clip wings and these strong flyers would roost all over, but...
  7. sillygolucky

    Calling all roost & poop board designers! ;)

    Of course I have already pored over dozens of threads on this subject! But since we all have different spaces and limitations to work with, I thought I'd toss my situation out there in case some of you have some excellent ideas 💡 We LOVE our coop, it's very well made, and extremely...
  8. pine_lore

    Seeking Ideas for Chicken Pen with Fun Features

    Hi All, I've built this ~8ft cube (pic below) as the predator proof pen for my chickens. It still needs some more work but the predator proof aspects are as good as I can get them. Huzzah! I'd like to add in some more chicken entertainment to this place. Since this pen is so tall I was...
  9. K

    Where to put roosting bars and what material to use

    This is the inside of my coop. I still have to put hardware cloth in the window holes but I’m ready to put up the roosting bars and I have no idea the best way to do it or what material is best.... 2x4s? Large dowels? Natural branches? Do you screw a bracket into the walls and put them up or...
  10. PioneerChicks

    Are your roosts equal heights?

    If you have two roosts in the same coop, are they equal heights or different? Please post why. Also please check out this other poll:
  11. PioneerChicks

    What shape of roosts do you use in your chicken coop?

    Just a fun poll. And please post below why you use your type and what you chickens tend to prefer! Please also check out this poll:
  12. Raising the Roosts in a Small Coop

    Raising the Roosts in a Small Coop

    A while ago we bought a chicken coop for our 5 chickens. We soon found out that it will be too small. We will work on expanding it soon. BUT for the time being, we had another problem to focus on.... Our chickens were sleeping in the nesting boxes! They have had a habit to huddle together ever...
  13. A

    Free ranging and enclosures?

    Does anyone free range their peas? Do you build a structure for them? If so, would you share a picture? (I really want to thank everyone at backyard chickens! What an amazing and helpful group! I wasn't anticipating being a pea mom and couldn't have done it without all of the wonderful info and...
  14. BrittChick15

    Narrow Coop - Roost Issues - Help!

    Hello everyone! I’m going to try this again since I’ve posted about this before and I’m still super stumped. I have a narrow coop. It’s about 3 to 4 ft. wide and about 7 to 8 ft. long. The roosts that came with the coop are terrible! I’m ripping them out this week for sure! But I need ideas...
  15. Cotton Hill Chick

    Remodel of Used Coop the Hens Hate! ~ Ideas Please?

    Hi Everyone! These are interior shots of a used coop I purchased last year to move our existing flock into. This spring I added 9 standard sized hens to the flock, and started them in this coop while the main flock stayed next door in the original, smaller coop. All chickens have been in and...
  16. green_thumb

    Roost in front of window?

    Newbie here! :) I had posted a couple months ago for advice on coop design. While I fully intended on building, the costs added up quick and I was worried about construction in a timely manner as summer is also gardening season so I couldn’t pass up purchasing a used coop I found for a good...
  17. Crystaluna13

    New chicken mom!

    I purchased 4 chicks, only a day old, at a local, privately owned feed and garden center. They've been so helpful...these are my first chickens. It's amazing how fast they grow!! I would like to address roosts...I've read that chickens prefer to have their toes stretched on a fkat surface, or...
  18. TheHoverMother

    Newbie coop questions? Need help :)

    My husband hired a guy to build out part of our shavings barn for 8 chicks he bought in May. I love the set up, but it’s become obvious the coop doesn’t meet the needs of our little flock. Pic 1 shows one side of the coop, the other side is identical with 8 nesting boxes in total. Pic 2...
  19. BrookePoe

    Ventilation In Metal Shed Coop

    Hi guys! I am a newbie to this page but have been a chicken mama for about 2 years now. Our flock has grown as of the last 2 weeks (chick math) so we decided to buy a metal shed, got a awesome deal so couldn’t pass it up! We want to be sure we add adequate ventilation & windows to the coop so...
  20. WindingWater

    Heated Roost

    I just bought a heated roost to place inside the coop for my two roosters at Tractor Supply. I would like to get some feedback from others on how well this might work. The one online is different than the one I bought. I will try to take a photo of the roost tomorrow to show you what I...
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