
  1. Patiocoturnix

    Tuxedo coloration question?

    Does anyone know what type of tuxedo this would be called?
  2. J

    grabbing hen while asleep

    recently brought a new hen, it's been approximately two weeks. it so far has been sleeping only in very hidden corners, and the place it decides to sleep in is somewhat dangerous because it's nearby some electrics. it's very quick so I can't catch it while it's awake so I go and catch it when it...
  3. J

    i think my rooster had intercourse with a broom

    I bought my rooster from day one, always been friendly, that's why it was such a surprise that one day it decided to just become aggressive towards myself and everyone else. it was by itself for a long time (not anymore tho) I tried to introduce other chickens but things never really worked out...
  4. J

    I think they're sick

    recently my dad bought a hen from a friend and I tried to convince him to keep them separate for a week or two but he insisted that the person he got it from was trustworthy so we just added it to the only other chicken which is a rooster. Today in the morning after the rooster started crowing...
  5. J

    Hen? Rooster? Oh. Rooster.

    I bought a small chick one day and months later it is now a fully grown chicken. throughout that duration I was talking to a friend of mine online who claims to be experienced in terms of raising chickens and just farm stuff in general. earlier on into the chicken's life, said friend told me...
  6. D

    Have you ever fed your ducks canary melon before? Is it safe for them to eat?

    Can ducks eat canary melons???
  7. Goslingmama

    What happened to the gosling?

    I rescued some baby gosling eggs a couple weeks ago, and had one hatch Sunday night. After about 12 hrs of no progress but still breathing I decided to go ahead and help assist it. I removed the top portion and they were able to get out on their own, yolk sac absorbed. We named this one Meadow...
  8. tomik261

    Dealing with summer heat in faverolles

    This isn't anything urgent and I just want to ask. How do you deal with salmon faverolles during summer? I'm a bit concerned as it isn't summer yet and one of our faverolles was panting in the coop. Outside she isn't panting but I can't imagine the swelter that's going to be inside that coop...
  9. jomary2013

    Is it safe for chicken to be outside after putting fertilizer on grass and plants?

    My dad put fertilizer on the grass and some plants yesterday, I brought my chicken in after I saw that. He didn’t check the weather to see if it was going to rain and it said it won’t rain until Saturday. Is it safe for my chicken to go outside? All morning I’ve been watering the grass and the...
  10. Ankaa

    What makes a breed beginner friendly/not beginner friendly to hatch and raise?

    I am hoping to hatch some more eggs over the summer and I was just wondering.
  11. D

    Why did green liquid come out of my duck’s vent?

    This is the second time it’s happened. This happened once awhile back, but we believed it wasn’t a very big deal since it was the first time it’d happened and nothing showed up online. She seemed fine and she does now too, she doesn’t seem particularly unwell after pooping this, so we’re not...
  12. Starfall Pastures

    What are these clusters in egg white

    Hello, can anyone help me out with identifying what these blue clusters are in this egg white? This egg was laid by our only cream legbar hen. She is 8 months old. As with her breed the egg shell is a sky blue color; similar to those clusters. This has happened only once before with her. She...
  13. D

    How can I easily clean up my duck?

    Is there any way I can easily clean up and look after my duck when she lives indoor and often stays on a bed without having to constantly buy dog diapers for her? It’s hundreds of dollars a month just for her dog pads and that really isn’t working out when she needs food, treats, and toys...
  14. D

    Is this normal after eating tomatoes and eggs or is this unusual??

    She’s been eating tomatoes and eggs for awhile now, but the color of her poop seems to be getting slightly darker? I think. Is poop like this normal for other ducks after they eat tomatoes and eggs too? Is this logically healthy or is this a warning of some kind? Thank you!
  15. Gerby26

    Metal Toxicity and Eggs

    Last year in may one of my geese, consumed a washer and bolt/screw. She was rushed to the vet when she became lethargic and thus started chelation therapy. Within about a month and a half she successfully passed the metal and was back to being happy/healthy. I was wondering if anyone has any...
  16. D

    How can I help my duck lose fat when she has an infection?

    She is one years old and she’s a duck. She usually eats Manna pro duck feed, but she’s been eating tomatoes and eggs as her main meals lately. I believe she’s having trouble laying eggs because she’s gotten too fat. It’s likely unhealthy for her, so I’d like to help her however I can, but I’m...
  17. D

    Does my duck seem sick?

    The vet said she isn’t overweight, rather she’s a little underweight, but.. She doesn’t exactly look it. That aside, is her abdomen swollen??
  18. Countryhippie

    What do you use to prevent parasites and mites with your flock?

    Hello, The other day I was having a conversation with one of my friends who also has chickens. We both used different methods to prevent mites and parasites on our chickens. So out of curiosity im curious what everyone else uses with there flock. What do you use for parasite prevention and...
  19. ShrekDawg

    Where do you work!?

    As the title says… where do you work!? You don’t have to say the exact company or anything like that… just the field/type is fine for anonymity sake. Or whatever you’d prefer. I just thought this might be an interesting thread. Especially since I’m trying to get ideas on where to work myself. I...
  20. Chickenwithnobrim

    Feeding back eggs during amprol treatment

    Im treating my whole flock for coccidiosis due to a chick having it that im brooding indoors, and this includes 2 grown outdoor hens. Im not a huge fan of eggs and only one is laying right now so i feed their eggs back, usually 3 eggs once a week. So heres the big question: Is there enough...
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