
  1. K

    Last one out is a rotten egg!

    This was the first time in the “pool” for this batch and it was so cute I thought I’d share. I had to share from my IG account since it was a video and wouldn’t let me upload here. Enjoy!
  2. How can that be a comfortable position to sleep?

    How can that be a comfortable position to sleep?

  3. R

    Help please

    My Rouen duck just hatched a single duckling.It has been 2 weeks and the poor baby died today.Will she try to hatch more or will she give up and not try again this year.
  4. Fangeddeer

    Show me your ducklings!

    Hi, I wanna spend my day looking at ducklings bc I miss being a father to mine (they’re 4 mos) So, show me ducklings!
  5. Fangeddeer

    Any tips on duck breeding ?

    looking to breed my ducks with other ducks later this year or next year then keep or sale the ducklings. Any tips? I’m completely knew, but I’m mostly interested in breeding hybrids as a start.
  6. BeeRex

    Rouen duckling whistling?

    I have a Rouen duckling that was given to me, they are 2 weeks old. Over the past few days they have started to make this short high pitched whistle. Sometimes they’ll do two whistles in a row but it’s mostly just once. Does the whistling mean they’re a male? Or do both male and female Rouens...
  7. Fangeddeer

    Ducks are great teachers.

    Found out that my friendly drake is a great teacher. My rescue needed to learn leash manners (they have a setup for the delta / 30ft rope, leash, one attachment 2 sided leash and a surf board for when they want a break). The rescue was originally not going to have this but she kept going too...
  8. Fangeddeer

    How old is my rescue ? (Female)

    Hello, I rescued this baby as many of y’all know. How old is she? I’m guessing probably old and her owners no longer could use her for eggs or such which is why they dumped her. But I could be wrong
  9. Fangeddeer

    Help!! Should I catch this abandoned duck or leave her alone?

    I’ve been considering catching this duck these past few weeks, yet I don’t know if it’s a good idea. Is she truly a wild duck? Or was she a pet. I’m thinking harlequin x buff mix but I’m not sure. I was gonna take a better pic but she’s not here yet. I’m thinking of waiting a few hours n then...
  10. Fangeddeer

    Is she pregnant or no? (Goat)

    Hi, it’s me again. Sorry I just need to know, yes or no? A maybe is fine too, thanks for the help on my last post! And it was 4 mos since her last kid. One side is hard while the other isn’t, wasn’t like that before.
  11. A

    My ducks are going lame

    Hi, I have 8 Muscovy ducklings born on the 27th of may (14 weeks), and about 2 weeks ago one of my ducklings began to limp. We checked his foot but couldn’t find anything wrong with it and about a week ago he stopped walking apart from dragging himself into his cage or to his siblings. I have...
  12. Fangeddeer

    Is my goat pregnant?

    Hi again, I just wanted to know if the baby I got is pregnant or not, I’ve never had goats before so I wouldn’t know. The male is still trying to mount her
  13. Katakornchicks

    Please Help! Baby call duck keeps falling on back

    I just got a new call duck yesterday. Someone gave her away for free... Which is already a bit suspicious. They told me she was 4 months old but she looks only about a month and a half... Anyways. Besides being extremely dirty when I got her, she seemed ok. She was running around and such. But...
  14. A

    HELP! Duckling attacked by Rat

    Couple of hours ago i pulled a duckling out of a hole away from grasps of a rat. Bleeding alot, rinced with saline and separated plan to get blue spray asap tomorrow morning. Bleeding slowed but still not stopping no movement or strength In left leg but still alive surprisingly. Any advice and...
  15. AngelinaThePekin8

    Help duckling has puncture wound in crop foods coming out of it

    One of my four week old free range ducklings has a hole in her crop and foods coming out of it. I don't really know what to do I just noticed it today it seems fresh and it doesn't have blood or any signs of infection. I will get some photos of it as soon as possible. I have the duckling...
  16. 3speckled3

    Sudden Duckling Death

    I recently bought a few ducklings from Tractor Supply. They are around 4 weeks old. I checked on them about 2 hours prior and everyone appeared fine, so I was surprised to find one dead. The duckling was lying on the ground, and had blood coming out of one nostril and a few droplets around the...
  17. C

    Need help with first time mama duck

    I posted this in the incubating and hatching eggs but didn’t get much of a response. My anacona became a first time mom yesterday hatching out 3 beautiful baby ducklings. To keep the babies safe I closed off her part of the run from the rest of the flock a few days prior to hatching. She...
  18. xKaitlin

    Duck Breed?!

    Back in March I got day old ducks and ended up with 2 drakes and 2 ducks, once they were 4 months I got 3 more girls 7-12 weeks old that were mixed but I still can’t tell the breeds as I am new to this. I was told I was given a Welsh harlequin (biggest), buff Orpington (smallest) and a Swedish...
  19. M

    Welshie duckling- i need advice!

    Hi there, I have 1 lonely survivor welsh harlequin egg that is 27/28 days. It was rocking the egg around the incubator just fine yesterday and today- nothing. I did candle it very briefly and it has a good sized air sac but the duckling was not moving. Nothing changed with the incubator- temp is...
  20. A

    Panting Duckling, Not Getting Better

    1) Black Swedish Duckling, 3 weeks old, 1.47 pounds 2) Panting and “quacking” at the same time when laying down. Acts normal when standing. Started some wheezing today. 3) Panting has been present 3 days, wheezing started today. 4) Not really sure, one pants under the heat source only. 5) No...
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