
  1. C

    Duck house… on water?

    Hi again, So about 8 weeks ago I ordered 2 Anaconas in the mail and received 6! As much as I would love to keep them all, I can’t. So I my mom’s boss from work(who I’ve met before) offered to take 4 them. She has 3 acres of land, a pond, and some chickens (but never had ducks before). And it...
  2. T

    Weak duckling wobbling head

    I just got some ducklings in the mail from a breeder today. They were in the post office for a day bc I couldn't get there on time yesterday. They all seem fine, except for one that's acting weak and wobbling its head a lot. I'm worried that it might be sick or dying from the stress of shipping...
  3. Hball

    Please Help ID My 3 Ducklings

    Hello, I have 3 (3-4 week) old ducklings and just curious if anyone is able to identify what breed they are! Thank you!
  4. C

    B complex brown?

    Hi again, This is only my second time buying vitamin B complex and today when I opened it, it was brown? The previous bottle had been very yellow. Is this ok?
  5. Big Cluck

    Perfect ducklings with wet hair

    I have 2 absolutely perfect little ducklings here. I wanted to share their wet spiked duckling head down. Cuz how much cuter can you get than mischievous little ducks with spiked hair? People who don’t keep ducks seem to get sick of duckling pictures after the first 54 of them :lol:
  6. Jillio

    Help, 2 Week Old Magpie Duckling is Sick

    Hi guys! We are first timers with baby ducklings. We have a two week old magpie duck that was more lethargic than the rest of the flock. We have separated her and she is in a warm, dry place with food and water (ACV and extra b vitamins added in). Her eyes and bill are clear, her vent is clear...
  7. C

    Can I use this?

    Sooo I go through some brewers yeast. I have a hard time finding it locally in anything bigger than a jar and the traditional web sites don’t sell it bigger than a 5 pound bag. Has anyone ever heard of these brands? Or have any suggestions and where to buy it in bulk? I’m posting pictures below...
  8. J

    Mites, Molting or Something Else

    We have some 2.5 week old Indian Runner ducklings. They have dry patches around their eyes and wings. Is this normal for loosing their baby feathers? They don’t look as full as our other ducklings did at this age. I don’t see any mites but I’m not sure how tiny the mites are.
  9. L

    Blue Swedish x Ancona Cross Ducklings - Portland OR Area

    We had surprise ducklings this weekend. Our Blue Swedish duck mated with our black/green Ancona drake and had a variety of colors. I'm looking for homes since we're at capacity with our adults. We are in SE Portland and can also deliver to Hood River/The Dalles for no charge!
  10. ccaarnation

    Pekin Ducklings Throats Puffing

    So I had 5 but unfortunately the runt had passed away last night. I have 4 2 1/2 week old Peking ducklings and it seems everytime they’re swimming or drinking water their throats get puffy and I can see skin. I heard it could be a possible air sac rupture but I’m not sure and wanted a second...
  11. C

    Runt duckling or deprived?

    I got 6 anacona ducklings about 6 weeks ago and got them integrated into my established flock (12 chickens, 2 Pekin’s) about 2 weeks ago. Everyone has gotten along fine but I’ve noticed one of my anaconas isn’t growing or developing like my other ones. Shes much smaller than the other babies...
  12. D

    Need help with duckling diet

    I was wondering if feeding you can feed 4 week old call duckling cooked rice and sometimes millet, green peas, corn, eggs and kidney beans as their main diet? Because I can’t find any duckling feed or brewers yeast. If there’s not enough of vitamins B can I add some crushed human vitamins?
  13. Mandrogora

    Ordered Muscovy Eggs, These Hatched

    I ordered Muscovy hatching eggs online and these two ducklings hatched on the 28th day of incubation. The other two that hatched are Muscovies and hatched on the 35th day of incubation. I was wondering if anybody has any ideas what they are. I have contacted the seller to ask and am waiting on a...
  14. Agh12

    Deformed duckling foot

    Ok, so I have a little duckling here that was born about an hour ago. It’s left leg is dragging behind it and the foot is scunched up into a ball. I had 3 others hatch that were perfectly healthy. What is this and how do I treat it? I don’t think it will die but I don’t want it to be lame. Any...
  15. Solemn Opossum

    Help! 4 day old duckling still hasn’t eaten, has yolk attached, and stomach is growling. Weighs 24 grams

    I found my duckling Little Foot back on the 15th. I went to the run to return a baby I had hatched (its shell had been badly broken and I repaired and incubated it {foreshadowing}) and saw a little duckling not moving. I picked her up and saw her yolk was still attached. My girl Eyebrows is a...
  16. PiedPiperDucklings

    Bad Momma Duck? Advice?

    I'm new to this so I hope I'm doing the right thing, but if not please tell me! My first broody bird ever just hatched 4 beautiful babies! She's a pekin Swedish blue cross and she hatched 4 fine, and I had to help the last one because she kept getting up and it got shrink wrapped. She is ok...
  17. Stipenvlerk

    Ducklings, the odd one out.

    Hi all, This year hatching goes well! Growing up, with ups and downs as there are many magpies around and they are smart! 😣 So I lost a few of the ducklings who are from nature breeding (by mama duck instead of the incubator) unfortunately. Anyway. That's not why I started my post. One of the...
  18. jennasips

    My duckling doesn’t look like it’s supposed to??

    Hi y’all, I recently got a duckling to provide some company for my drake. I drove 2 hours to this poultry farm in the mountains. They had hundreds of various birds on the farm property. The owner told me that my duckling is a Silver Appleyard but the duckling is now 7 weeks old and looks...
  19. S

    Does my mother duck need friends her age?

    hi! i recently adopted a mother call duck and some ducklings (six ducklings, they appear to be too young for me to sex without a vent check, which i’m not comfortable doing yet.) i know that ducks are extremely social animals, so i was wondering if she still needs some companions of her age, or...
  20. T

    Anyone good at sexing a duckling by it’s voice?

    This duckling is approximately four weeks old (well we got the little thing four weeks ago) and I was really thinking we had a drake on our hands, until this morning.
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