
  1. J

    Mid December egg count.

    Kept a count of eggs from my layers this (Dec 12-18). All the birds are less than a year old. I have 2 breeds of ducks and 4 breeds of chickens. All my birds forage freely on my 5 acres during the day except my Rhode Island Reds who have a run. Best layers were my Welsh Harlequin ducks. I have...
  2. DuckDuckPromise

    In Search Of: Cayuga ducklings/drakes!

    Hi there! Lord’s Willing, I am after some Cayuga ducklings (and/or a drake if at all possible!) This isn’t what I typically think of when it comes to the “duckling time of year”... so I was wondering if they are even available right now. Still in search of a drake regardless though! Thank you in...
  3. DuckDuckPromise

    Speckled Feathers?

    Hello friends! So we have 4 Cayuga duckies. We have noticed though, that one of the females has these white feathers throughout her body. She is a young duck, hatched this spring! Any clues?! Is she a Cayuga like we thought, or different? Or maybe just a pretty feathered Cayuga?! Have a blessed...
  4. DuckDuckPromise

    What do y’all think here?

    Hi there friends! Our Cayuga and Pekin ducks are giving us eggs! Praise the Lord!! I can’t tell if this egg is fertilized though. The Cayuga drake is active, but I’ve never seen the Pekin drake mating with his females. The Pekin eggs don’t exactly look fertile, and the Cayugas do, but I have...
  5. addctd2plnts

    Any people showing ducks this Fall and selling young adult exhibition ducks?

    I'm interested in pairs of Exhibition quality Fawn and white Runners, white runners, Cayuga, Dutch Hookbills, Australian Spotted, Rouen, and Welsh Harlequins. Also looking for Pomeranian Geese and Pilgrim Geese in exhibition quality. These are for a preservation project, though offspring may be...
  6. 0

    Duck with swollen toe

    I’ve been having some issues with one of my duck’s foot. It started about 2 weeks ago - Mav started limping after another duck, Luna, attempted to mount her (ducks are now separated til my males stop being hormonal). separated Mav for the night so she’d be encouraged to just rest. after a few...
  7. ArtsyLady


    Out Cayuga hen has been limping, looking at her feet I am guessing she has bumblefoot. No scabs just raised areas looking more pink than others, especially at her heal. Thoughts? We've got Betadine, Vetericyn, vet wrap, gauze and all the fixings to treat it. Just wondering how long to treat...
  8. KikiDeAnime

    Cayuga/Khaki Campbell ducklings WA State

    Battle Ground, WA All 9 ducklings are a week old as of today and I really need to find them homes. Been posting everywhere, craigslist, facebook, at farm stores nearby, etc.. $4 each, minimum 2 ducklings. So far nobody wants them because they're not sexed. We're keeping the runt duckling so...
  9. KikiDeAnime

    How long to leave ducklings with them?

    In 2 weeks, ducklings will be hatching. I plan on selling them but I was hoping to keep them a few days to make sure that they're healthy enough to go to new homes. We have 3 chickens sitting on all duck eggs. Before anyone jumps at me for thinking of selling them, we have no room for any more...
  10. AuroraS2

    URGENT: Cayuga Egg Hatch Advice?

    Please help- first timer here. Have three cayuga eggs here on day 28 of the hatch. Two no movement, no veins visible (suspected dead in shell), one was moving this morning when candled, this evening I candled it first time from above to check for the air sac (which was there, pointy shape...
  11. KikiDeAnime

    Show me your candled dead week old eggs (Duck eggs)

    I know this might disturb some people but I need to compare to an egg that I'm suspicious of. As of tomorrow, it will have been 1 week since incubation started. The rest of the eggs are looking great but there's this one that's really throwing me off so I would like to compare it to know if it's...
  12. vanillachai

    Older Hens, Rooster, Duck, and Drake (4-5yrs) Looking for Homes (Bozeman, MT)

    Located in Bozeman, Montana. We will deliver them to you or meet you in town. I have 4-5 year old chickens and ducks in need of homes. Unfortunately I'm not sure who is still laying, but some of the hens are still laying some eggs. Any of them anyone is willing to take in would be a blessing...
  13. fuscia

    Duck with intestinal Blockage

    I’m embarrassed to say this, but I tried putting a sock around my Cayuga who had developed angel wing. It would come off within 10 minutes or during the night. I assumed it had come off a month or two ago but apparently had disappeared under his feathers. I looked for the band but couldn’t find...
  14. S

    Turkeys poults and ducklings

    Hi all, a few days ago one of my 8wk broad breasted turkeys died. She was fine in the morning and started gasping for air around 7pm and was dead by 8pm. A couple days go by and one of my Cayuga ducklings died, then another the next day. They aren’t housed together, but are housed inside in...
  15. KikiDeAnime

    KC/Cayuga Hatching Adventure

    I'll be buying 12 KC/Cayuga hatching eggs to put underneath our broody hen on Monday. The lady has both breed drakes with the ducks so I could have mostly mixed with possibly pure. Probably all mixed but it doesn't matter to me as I will be selling all ducklings a few days after they hatch...
  16. AuroraS2

    First time hatching- eggs viable?

    Greetings! First time hatching here, could someone advise me please if these eggs are viable and alive? For context, first white one is mallard duck egg, gifted a week ago (I don't think this one is viable but I have kept it in the incubator in case this last week in case there is some hope...
  17. Anime2lover

    Do all cayuga ducks get some white when they molt?

    I just got two Cayuga ducklings. I thought they were supposed to be all black. But recently read that they gain some white when they molt. Is that true for all of them? Of so, how much white would they get for each molt??
  18. cinnamoncockatiel

    Banner Poll - cinnamoncockatiel

    Choosing a profile banner and I need a perspective from BYCers! :p D´Uccle in blue skies with duck Bird silhouettes with blue back round D´Uccle in blue skies without duck
  19. 0

    Cayuga duck bill turning green?

    Hi, I just hatched my first flock of ducks 4 weeks ago. I have 6 happy and healthy ducklings. Today I noticed that the bills of 3 of my ducklings are turning a more green/blue rather than the black they were before. I know it’s not uncommon for pekin bills to get freckles or for cayugas to turn...
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