
  1. gingerviolinist

    Adding to my flock...

    I'm looking for opinions on adding to my flock. I have 4 9-week-old ducks, 2 pekin and 2 cayuga. I believe the 2 pekin are both female, based on voice sexing, but the 2 cayugas have been so quiet comparatively, I am starting to think neither of them will be female. I was hoping for 3 female and...
  2. Ryanagon

    Frequency of Duck Baths?

    I just purchased my first ducks which I will be picking up tonight (Three 1 year old Cayugas - 1 Drake, 2 Ducks). I built a coop for them approximately 5'x5' with an attached run that is 5'x13'. My plan is to not provide food or water in the coop during the night but give them access to...
  3. M

    Broody duck... when will she sit long term?

    I have a Cayuga hen that is about a year and a half old. For the last few days she has been disappearing for a long periods of time and not coming back to the coop at night to be locked up. She only reappears with the rest of the flock for a few hours or two to eat and swim. I finally found her...
  4. G

    New member, hobby backyard duck owner.

    You can call me Galaktion, for now. I own a small townhouse with a 30x30ft fenced-in backyard right on a nice 2 acre pond. About 50% of the pond has human access (homes, walking trail) and the other 50% is natural and basically undisturbed. When I bought this house 16 years ago, there was...
  5. gingerviolinist

    Ducklings scared of kiddy pool

    I have (2) 6wk old pekins and (2) 4wk old cayugas and they are all terrified of their new kiddy pool. They loved swimming inside in the sink and bathtub when they were younger (and smaller) but now want nothing to do with swimming. They are obviously hot (panting in the shade) but won't swim. Help?
  6. Tavia Rose

    Hi from Texas

    I raised chickens once before and they lasted a while until one of our horses fed them ant poison. Currently I have a 2.5 to 4 month old mallard (at least i think bc he is small), 2.5 to 4 month old pekin, 6 to 8 week old Khaki Campbell, and 2 nearly 4 week old Cayugas. And 8 chickens of...
  7. noodlebell

    Indian Runner Cayuga Ducks need good home

    So, I think I need to find a home for two of my 5 month old male ducks. They are becoming aggressive with each other and with my females. The fact is I have too many males (6:4). I hate that I even have to write this. But, if any of you knows someone in Georgia that would give these 2 sweet boys...
  8. boxedcow

    Boxedcows Member Page

    Boxedcow Farm African Grey Goose and Cayuga Duck Week 1 2 Partridge Rocks, 1 Black Australorp, 2 Easter Eggers Week 1, 2 and 3 Week 2/3 Still trying to come up with names I believe the goose is a boy and the duck is a girl. Mr. Wiggles and Jane The...
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