
White Star Hybrid

A beautiful snow white hen, laying 300 - 320 large white eggs per year. Described as a petite...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Pure White
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Breed Size
Large Fowl
A beautiful snow white hen, laying 300 - 320 large white eggs per year. Described as a petite little ballerina, smaller compared to some of the other hens but with a beautiful shape,and a striking long white tail.
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Latest reviews

We love them
Pros: Egg production, temperament, heat resistance
Cons: Not really a con but they are extremely fast so if u need to catch them I would suggest grabbing them at night in the coop.
They're great! They're some of our favorite chickens! They lay a large white egg EVERY DAY. As in the weather doesn't matter. Hot, cold, they don't care.. EGG. They're sweet except when babies who don't kno the pecking order try to get on their favorite roosting bar. Overall I wouldn't be upset with having a yard of them!
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Pros: Exceptionally good layer of large white eggs and fairly hardy.
Cons: Can be a bit flighty.
The whitestar has to be the best layer I've got. They have outlived all the other hybrid hens I had and continue to lay all year. They can be a little flighty and difficult to capture but overall the best egg layers I've ever had. Big beautiful white eggs!
Pros: Great layers of large white eggs, docile, curious birds that go well in a mixed flock.
Cons: Large wattle that in cold climates could be prone to frostbite.
My white star is called Zazzles after my daughter's friend named it. She is quirky and deals with confinement well - when the electric fence was being delivered she had to stay in a small run. She lays big white eggs like clockwork everyday and doesn't pick on other birds. We raised her from a day old chick and her wattle is so big that if you hadn't seen her lay her eggs you would of thought she was a rooster. I live in England so don't have to deal with much harsh weather but in colder climates I could easily see the wattle becoming a problem due to frostbite. All in all a great addition to anyone's flock!

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A White Star is just a breed of chicken. From my understanding, they're relatively small, friendly, calm, and lay white eggs.
I believe she was asking what breeds are crossed to make a white star hybrid. Its not a breed of chicken if it's a hybrid.
From what I could find, White Stars are recognized hybrids of breeds, one of those being a Leghorn. I'm not sure of any other breeds involved in a White Star, though. I know that Black Stars and Red Stars (also called Black Sex Links or Red Sex Links) can be identified by sex as a chick because of different fluff patterns, so I'm guessing a White Star is the same way. Being a hybrid, their behavior can vary. I've read that some are friendly and others are skittish. I wish I knew more about White Stars, but I will continue to try to find more info.
Hello Cluck Cluck Girl,
Thanks for the quick reply. So I take it that you have not yet a husband. So you know that Colorado is a good place to raise chickens; but it is still not clear that, that is where you are from or currently live. Thanks for your considerate and gentle thoughts with respect to my deceased wife. Any more things you care to discuss about chickens?
Neal, the Zooman
P.S. Do you care to declare your real first name?

Item information

Chicken Breeds
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Habibs Hens
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4.44 star(s) 9 ratings

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