
Norwegian Jaerhon

The Norwegian Jaerhon is a small breed developed in Norway in the 1920's from a single pair of...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
White to Off white
Breed Temperament
Active & Friendly
Breed Colors/Varieties
Dark & Light
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Norwegian Jaerhon is the only chicken breed that is considered truly Norwegian in origin. It was developed around 1920 near the town of Stavanger on the Southern Atlantic coast of Norway from a single pair of birds and imported to the U.S. in 1996.

The hens lay large white to tinted eggs and are considered very good layers. They are active and good foragers and fly very well. Their temperaments are very good, to the point of being friendly with their handlers.

Chicks are auto-sexing, which means they can be sexed at hatch. In the Dark variety, male chicks have a large white patch covering their heads while female chicks have a smaller white dot. In the Light variety, male chicks are nearly all yellow while female chicks have darker striped down their backs.

While a small breed, with the hens only around 3.5 pounds, it is a good layer and the hens lay medium to large white eggs. They are an active and hardy breed, that is rather reactive in temperament and good at avoiding hawks. They are excellent foragers, good and persistent flyers bordering on escape artists, and will roam widely if given the chance.

They are single combed and clean legged. They come in three usual colors, with their feather pattern looking like they have bad barring in dark brown, light yellow, and another color called Flame that was developed by Sandhill Preservation Center.

Jaerhons have single combs and white earlobes. Coloring on the Dark variety is primarily brown with uneven barring, on the Light variety the colors are creamy yellow with darker uneven barring. On both types the color is light near the head and gradually becomes darker going down toward the tail.

Norwegian Jaerhon Egg

Norwegian Jaerhon Chicks

Norwegian Jaerhon Juvenile

Norwegian Jaerhon Hen

Norwegian Jaerhon Rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-norwegian-jaerhon.1124478/

Latest reviews

Pros: Great layer and auto sexing!
Cons: Flyer but I was told a Hamburg would fly. Mine not so much!
I would love to try this breed! So different and auto sexing! :love Pretty too!
Pros: Pretty.
Cons: FLIGHTY! Will fly over 6 foot fence, need to be in enclosed area of free range.
I have had over 25 breeds of hens in 3 years and this breed is the ONLY only to fly over my fence. I should have listened to the other reviews but I thought since none of my other birds ever flew over even though they could have that none would. Well this crazy girl is doing it almost daily and she wont fly back over so its a pain to get her back into our yard. I will be selling her ASAP. Pictured below is my bird and their yard. No one else has ever gone over in 3 years even though they all could!

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Pros: Social, active, forage well
Cons: Hard to find
I have 2 roosters I took in and enjoy them very much. Lovely color pattern! Our flocks free range all day, and they are very inexpensive to keep compared to other breeds. They socialize with my leghorns well, and have helped those hens become more friendly with us. I would love to add hens of this breed in the future. I have not found anything I don't like about them!
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Thank you for importing them. They are beautiful birds. I am still waiting for my flock to get started.
Oh, I wish I could get a few of these! My husband's family is of Norweigan ancestry and that would be so cool. Hubby's great-grandfather was 1st generation immigrant from Norway. :)
I have never heard of this breed before but they sound like a great bird and are very pretty. Do they get along well with other breeds?
I am raising a Jaerhon along with a Cream Legbar and a bantam Cochin. They get along well with absolutely no problems. Current age = 8 weeks. Hens all. Feathered out quickly. Friendly easy to be around. Athletic.
Actually she would not because any of my birds can hop on the rock wall, then onto the egg box (in the back by the fence behind the coops) and then on top of the fence. VERY easy for even the heavy breeds to get out if they wanted yet none do. I am selling her asap.
Ariel188..........Oh my. So many people thumb their noses at fate. In so many ways, your chicken lot looks ideal. But For...........
Does anyone know who will have day old chicks to ship this yr in the USA?
I want to purchase so.e.
I just bought some from ideal poultry
How did they turn out?

I'm looking for better egg production birds that camouflage from predators.
Searched for some for sale, came up with Sandhill Preservation & Ideal Poultry.
Wondering which one would have best production type.
Sandhill has Noregian and Flame Jaerhons Ideal had only the Noregian Jaerhons.

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