Keeping my wood brooder floor dry.

Good use for DE
This is just chock full of good ideas - from the heat lamp arm to the dust ... and the ducklings are gorgeous! Thanks for a nicely written article and the beautiful pics!
Thanks! If I'm not mistaken (which I may be) the waterer design is originally from @Magnolia Ducks and it works great!
A good idea to fight back the mess that our ducklings will make! I didn't know that DE is so absorbent and thought it is only useful against crawling insects (ants!), so i learned something today.
Would love to learn how you built that beautiful brooder, round plastic kiddie-pools are sub-optimal in using the available space and usually too low to keep'em in for more than two weeks.
It was pretty easy actually, and I don't have any wood working experience. I'll try and get an article up about it soon. Thanks for the review!
Anyone keeping waterfowl knows we need all the help we can get to keep the brooder as dry as possible and as clean as possible. Thanks for sharing what works for you. It will be great help for the rest of us.
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Thanks for the review Miss Lydia!
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