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    Reactions: Sapphire Sebright
    Thanks, Kiki, I hope yours was great, too. I'm rather getting to like these low-key Covid Christmases. They put the focus, or at least the attention, back on what's important - the people and the reason for the season, itself.
    I absolute love your profile, that is a beautiful kitty! Looks kind of like my sweet figgy!
    Thanks! And what a pretty Figgy Kitty! Figgy looks like s/he's full of personality! I wish I could hear that "Meow!"
    You’re welcome! Thank you, he is a very sweet boy, he’s an outdoor cat most of the time but during the winter he likes to come in because he’s getting old and the cold is getting worse for him.

    He has such a sweet meow. 💙
    We added a pair of young EE bantams to the flock, last Fall. The logic was that we could esily tell the eggs from the Nankins'. The logic must've been sound, cuz we got our first teeny-tiny greenish egg today. I'd forgotten how tiny bantam pullet eggs are ... it's too cute!
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    Reactions: chrissynemetz
    Thanks Kiki! It was an odd one this year, that's for sure. And thanks again for the invite to your party thread. It's been the source of some much needed laughter and interaction for me!
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    Reactions: Kiki
    Happy Birthday to you! 🎂🥂🍾
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    Reactions: Kiki
    Thank You! My kids surprised me with dinner out ... something we haven't done since the pandemic started. What a strange experience a simple meal out of the house was ... and what a treat! Thanks for thinking of me!
    I came by a 6 month old post about Nankins that you were in, while searching for nankin chicks or eggs. I'm looking to establish a breeding population of Single or Rose Comb. I raised them before and love the breed. I was wondering if you still had any and if you would be willing to sell chicks or eggs or if you someone who does. Thanks for your time.
    Yes, I still have my Nannies - a small breeding flock of RCs and a few odd SC pets. I don't usually sell chicks, but may, if we get good hatch rates this Spring. I don't sell eggs, at all. Between the RC fertility issues and poor shipping survival, it's not worth the frustration! Once we get through the cold season (I HATE Winter!) I'll have a better idea of what to expect from this year's hatches.
    Beautiful shot of your cat. We have 2 n 3 little dogs and lots of chickens! LOL
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    Reactions: MROO
    Thanks! That's my Paco. I recently lost him to a freak health issue ... and I SO miss my beautiful boy! Your house sounds like mine - three cats, two dogs and too chickens ... as in "too" many - about 2 dozen, including peeps. I guess we don't just suffer from Chicken Math ... it extends to all sorts of critters!
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