CDC Links Salmonella "Outbreak" To BYChickens

The CDC made a similar claim last year. To add another point, the 52 cases are out of millions of cases of salmonella each year.
Not wearing a tin-foil hat, but that »Investigation Notice« from the CDC emits a foul smell:
Either somebody urgently needed to prove that her/his job is irreplaceable or, and i believe this is the more likely explanation, the egg-mafia begins to feel the effect of people raising chickens and ducks for eggs in their backyards, thus buying less eggs at the stores.
It would not be the first time that corporate America makes large »contributions« to try to influence regulations to their favor…
But i'm ranting! Back to the article: Very well written and puts the number of cases in that »outbreak« in a better context. And i must agree, calling fifty-two (52!) people an »outbreak« is as ridiculous as banning dihydrogenmonoxide (DHMO).
There's an old book out there called "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics." Numbers can tell a powerful story - and can tell it in whatever manner the writer chooses to present them. We need to stay open and logical ... and use our innate common sense to get the true message. Yes. Salmonella is a problem ... we know that. But ... contracting it from our backyard flocks is absolutely preventable. Keep up the good work, BYC'ers!
'Murican chicken-er
'Murican chicken-er
And All God's Chicken People Said -- "AMEN"
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