Zebra/Cutthroat diet difference from Society

RandM Home

Dec 28, 2018
I'm new to the forum so Hello!

I keep 2 aviaries, 1 with zebras and cutthroats (30+) and the other with mainly societies (50+). Everybody gets along great, but I am curious if there is a particular seed that some finches don't eat.

I feed each aviary seed via a hanging tower, and even though there are more societies, they all go through about the same amount of seed. The reason I can tell is because a very large portion of the thrown out seed by the zebra/Cutthroat is still uneaten, I have no idea what the particular seed is, but it's mainly 2 kinds. The Societies on the other hand eat Everything; which is amazing and results I a lot less waste. The weight alone of the extra seed is ridiculous.

I use the Kaytee Supreme Finch Food brand, and supplement daily with carrots and kale and of course millet on occasion.

Has anyone else experienced this or have an alternative seed specialized for Zebras and Cutthroats?

Thanks! I've used this forum a lot to look up questions throughout my journey in finch raising.
I used to have finches like what you have. You're feeding a good diet. Consider adding mealworms. I made the feeders so that the seed thrown out could be saved and fed to other birds.
Thanks for the core of confidence. I do feed the leftover to the outside birds since it could be dirtied.

Does anyone else have a bird seed they like to feed cutthroats or zebras that doesn't have a lot of waste?
Gosh it's been a long time since I have had finches, and I've never had society finches. I worked for years as a groomer, in a pet shop that had lots of them, though. I'm just wondering if the hanging tower might be part of the problem. Maybe try a bowl for a bit, to see if it makes a difference. It might also just be personal preference on the part of the birds. I have ringneck doves, and I feed them pelleted food. I had one dove that would consistently leave all the green pellets, even though I'm quite certain they all taste the same.
Thanks! It definitely could be they are just finicky for sure. Which is why I wanted to try a different seed recipe, but one that is recommended.

Most of the them come from the same pair so whatever intolerance of this seed could be inherited. Haha.

They weren't always fed in a tower and I had the same problem before except the food would just spread throughout the floor. Now I catch it in a tray which kinda acts like a bowl and some like to eat from it, but still leave 90% of the extra, uneaten.

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