Your Input Please!


10 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Southern Illinois
I've decided on choosing one breed to focus a breeding program on. Me, being extremely indecisive, can't make up my mind. Here's what I'm considering:
Silver Laced Wyandottes
Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes
Dark Brahmas
Which of these would you choose? Or would you choose something else? If so, what would it be? All inputs welcome!
Wyandottes are a challenge. Judges see the faults in them very easily. Oddly enough, black or white chickens tend to win shows.
Thanks for your reply! I'll keep that in mind.

Have you attended any local APA sanctioned shows. That might be a good start in helping with your decision.
Thanks! I didn't think of that. Something I'll definitely be looking in to.
Wyandottes are so pretty with their own personalities but bright colors chickens will attract more preditors in some areas but are usually 10 times prettier I have two red wyandottes love them too death:hugs
Blue Laced Red is not a recognized variety. If you want to breed for show it's not the variety of choice. It is a very popular color variation though so if your wanting to breed to SOP for personal satisfaction there would be a market for the culls from your breeding program.
When I was in your shoes, I picked Brahmas.
"The King of all Poultry"
1. They are beautiful, large, majestic birds.
2. They lay lots of eggs.
3. If I needed meat...again; Large.
4. Gentle, not bullies, yet tough when challenged.
I like their lineage....A bit mysterious, but through research I found that they likely have Malay blood in them.
Which makes sense to me, considering their tall stance, and menacing; "Beetle Brow"
The choice will be easier to dial in on, if the wants and needs of the keeper are defined.
Let us know what your situation is.
ie. location, flock size, food, fun, hobby, money, etc.
Though I picked Brahmas, my Grand Daughters pulled a fast one on me, and so did the breeder I purchased from
1. Grand Daughters brought home two Buff Orpington hens.
2. The breeder picked out a male Light Brahma for me, that ended up being a White Sultan!
I knew it wasn't right,(color pattern) but she convinced me the unusual look of the chick, was due to it being a male, compared to all the females.
I now have a White Sultan Rooster I need to find a home for.
(He's crowing!) OMG!....after just writing this, he started going off! (2:45 PM)
Mental telepathy?
Good Luck!

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