Your 2024 Garden

Next Wednesday, I'll be making more pots in the green house for starting seeds. The potting soil I have is pretty dry, and it takes a while to get it damp and to warm it up. I figure I need 70-100 pots for all the stuff I want to start.

60 (at least!) tomatoes
5-10 peppers
A few luffa (I got ONE sponge from last year, so at least I know it's possible)
Some cucamelon (a friend sent me seeds, raved about them)

I have 8 pots that have been growing kale and spinach for oh, about 3 months...? and the plants are 2" tall. :tongue I might just plant them in the garden with some peas and reuse the pots. I also have 16 pots of flowers for bees, and I don't know when those might be ready to plant out.

Other than that... not sure what I have in the seed box. My goal is to plant 'mater and pepper seeds by April 1st.

I get inundated with tomatoes when I plant 4.

I'm not planting peppers this year. No one eats them except my dh. He didn't eat many, so most of the fruits were wasted (composted) last year.
I have horrible luck w peppers. However I found a small Amish farmstand that sold green peppers for 25c each last year. 4 for $1? I bought a ton, sliced them and froze them. Just used up the last of them last week. I’ll save my space for something that grows well for me. May buy 1 jalapeño plant start to put in, they do ok as do shishitos (the pepper that grows best for me.) Sautee the whole pepper, like a VERY mild long hot, but shorter and skinnier.
If I ever develop a nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplant) allergy, I'm going to starve. We grow and eat a LOT of tomatoes and potatoes, some peppers. Eggplant I buy to make baba ghanoush a couple times a year.
I love to grill both eggplant and zucchini in thick slices. I bought some zucchini seed this year that produce round ball shaped fruit. I hope they are large enough to slice and grill. At least the should be large enough to cut in half and grill with some salt, pepper, and butter in the cavity if the seed are scooped out.
That is awesome but we do so much less than you. We freeze corn and squash, and sometimes the pole beans, but that's it.

We just make a list and get the seeds in March/April, whenever we see they're out. I used to make large orders on Burpee or one of them seed/plant places. I also use to start tomatoes and marigolds in the house in March but I quit doing that too. We lessened how much we plant so for tomatoes, just want one of four different kinds.

What things do you dry? I dried some lavender but then the plant died. I give up on those.
What are you're kinds of mater's?
I roasted some sweet potatoes today. A couple of them have tiny little sprouts, and I cut off a chunk and suspended it in a glass of water. We'll see if I can grow my own sweet potato slips this way.
You have a chance at it. What we do not know is the climate the sweets were grown in but most likely in the hot humid parts of LA and MS. Up in MS you will do better buying Georgia Jets that are for a 90 day short season. The bigger you can get the vine on your little start the better chance you will have. You also have a bit of an advantage in that there should be little shock from what your are going to plant in your garden.

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