Your 2024 Garden

I didn't look at my hydrangeas yesterday. Most are rebloomers but I hate to loose the early buds because then I have to wait for more. Need to check. I have a couple once bloomers. If they get a late frost after budding they are done for blooms for the season. I'll not plant more of those but they are lace caps. So pretty. sigh

Love this! They love the skeeters and bad bugs. Yay!

I hope we don't. Be warned. March 26, 1983, we had a foot. I remember it so well because my daughter was 1 week old and our heat failed. Packed a bag and went to Mom's till it was repaired.
I also remember big snows in March when I was a child. They are normally caused by Nor'easters.
My son was born in May 1983!

We've lived in Pitt County since 1999. I don't recall snow of any appreciable depth past February 15th.

We'll see. :caf
The way that people like Bill Gates fly around the world in their private jets and then tell us common folks not to eat meat to save the environment! What is his motive for buying up so much farmland that he is now the largest landowner in the US? Well he doesn't own my garden spot and never will. He can do more harm in a minute than the rest of us in a few years. I may have to quadruple the size of my garden this year so I can share with those who can't have a garden.
The way that people like Bill Gates fly around the world in their private jets and then tell us common folks not to eat meat to save the environment! What is his motive for buying up so much farmland that he is now the largest landowner in the US? Well he doesn't own my garden spot and never will. He can do more harm in a minute than the rest of us in a few years. I may have to quadruple the size of my garden this year so I can share with those who can't have a garden.
Don't get me started on that loser
No raised beds here yet. For now just old time rows wide enough apart to run the Troybuilt between them. And as far as growing flowers instead of food, They Can Kiss My Grits. I'm going to eat and do as I need to rather than what they say do.
My garden is the same. No raised bed, wide rows and planted directly in the ground. This is how my parents and grandparents did it.

I rarely till. My favorite tools are a stirup hoe and a rake.

I didn't use to plant flowers in my main garden. Now I love having them there. I found out I have nematodes trying to invade. The French marigolds have really helped with this without pesticides. The sunflowers end up chicken snacks.
Spent my morning starting to prep the garden beds for spring. Took off the layer of dried leaves blanketing the beds, added 2 buckets of compost and 2 scoops of soil nutrient mix to each bed and raked all that in. The dried leaves went into the now empty compost bin.

I also have a cubic yard of chicken run compost that I set aside in fall, so if weather holds up tomorrow or Friday I'll top off each bed with 5-6 buckets of that, and the beds will be ready for planting once temperatures are agreeable!
I raked up some thatch today. I have never, ever raked thatch in the middle, or even the month, of February before.

Tomorrow, we go back to more normal winter weather, and I'm glad. The ground isn't frozen, and that can't be good.

Pleasepleaseplease fruit trees and berries, don't wake up for another 6 weeks!

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