Your 2024 Garden

The other pepper we use a lot of in cooking is Cayenne. I want a dozen plants to use for dried, frozen, red pepper flakes for pizza, and to season fresh sweet corn cut off the cob and seasoned as Southwestern dish. We use several who pods while the corn simmers in an iron skillet with butter. When done discard the cayenne. One friend didn't pay attention to these instructions and at the peppers..... No, no, no, no............
:frow Hey.

I have a lot of plants and fruit trees. Aside from what comes back, i will probably be planting some rosemary, dill, sage, some currants, kale, Hot peppers, and tomatoes. Probably more too, but we’ll see. Looking to can my fruit, like peaches and cherries.
My wife cans some spiced peaches. They are so seasonal and hard to find and when you do you need a banker with you sometimes. Our peach trees will not bear before 2005 or 2006. I will put electric fencing around them that will send squirrels to the next county.
My wife cans some spiced peaches. They are so seasonal and hard to find and when you do you need a banker with you sometimes. Our peach trees will not bear before 2005 or 2006. I will put electric fencing around them that will send squirrels to the next county.
The squirrels are terrible here. And they’re always eating the peaches too. I definitely will consider putting up a electric fence. I didn’t think about that.
I'm going to try broccoli and cauliflower next year. Never did it before. Oh, and cabbage too
Cabbage is IMO the easiest of the three. I struggle with broccoli mostly in trying to get the head big enough to justify harvesting, but to cut it before it starts opening up. For the amount of space the plant takes up, cabbage and cauliflower give me better yields.
I freeze peppers too. I'm trying to overwinter my jalapeno and bell pepper plants, see how they do in my basement. If they don't make it, I saved their seeds so I can still grow them. They did so good this year, I couldn't believe it
Jalapenos are thankfully a pretty easy pepper to grow. I'm probably going to try bell peppers for the first time next year, I was growing other heirloom sweet peppers but figured it's time to give bells a shot.
Cabbage is IMO the easiest of the three. I struggle with broccoli mostly in trying to get the head big enough to justify harvesting, but to cut it before it starts opening up. For the amount of space the plant takes up, cabbage and cauliflower give me better yields.
Broccoli and Artichoke i have a lot of trouble growing.

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