Young Hen’s Comb Turned Pale, She Just Started Laying. Please Help!


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2024
Hello Everyone!

I'm new to the forums, also new to the chicken keeping, I have my first flock - for two months now.
Turning to you all for bit of advice and help, as one of my leghorns comb, turned a bit pale in a last four days. At first I thought, it's dry, so I went ahead and rubbed some coconut oil on her comb and wattles. However, her overall look is just more and more pale, her comb, around eyes and wattles.

She's 24 weeks old now, started laying two-weeks before. As of her weight is concerned, she seems to be only a little bit bigger than other leghorns. She is eating well, and overall very active, foraging, going about her business like usual. She was a happy mischievous little lady up until last two days, something is a bit off. She scratches her head more I think and her looks just changed, and I'm not sure about it. Doesn't seem healthy. But she is laying still, every day an egg! However, she doesn't announce it proudly as she was the first days. Now she just lays the egg in silence and quiet.
They are free-ranging and in the coop they have hemp bedding.
No other birds are having this problem, she didn't suffer any injuries, all I suspected was - favus or maybe some kind of a worm. Once she gasped for air it seemed like, but haven't seen it again from her. Her poop looks as normal as usual, it's okay.

So I haven't administered any treatment beside the coconut oil on her comb and wattles.
Here are some pictures.
The first one is from yesterday, this is her. The second one is today. And the third one is today as well, in comparison with her sister on the left and her on the right.

If anyone encountered something similar or experienced this as well, please help me, so I can help her. Boy did they grow into my heart.

Thank you everyone!

She's 24 weeks old now, started laying two-weeks before. As of her weight is concerned, she seems to be only a little bit bigger than other leghorns. She is eating well, and overall very active, foraging, going about her business like usual. She was a happy mischievous little lady up until last two days, something is a bit off. She scratches her head more I think and her looks just changed
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She's active, eating well and foraging - business as usual.

She's going to be a prolific layer it seems, so make sure she has access to enough calcium. Provide oyster shell free choice.

What are you feeding your ladies?

When in lay, the comb can become a bit paler. Take note if she's redder in the mornings before she lays her egg.

You mention she's scratching her head. Take a look just to be sure there's no lice/mites or fleas. A quick look in the ears to make sure they are clean with no pus, debris or mites.

Has her beak been recently broken, trimmed or filed? It looks o.k. just curious.
Welcome To BYC

She's active, eating well and foraging - business as usual.

She's going to be a prolific layer it seems, so make sure she has access to enough calcium. Provide oyster shell free choice.

What are you feeding your ladies?

When in lay, the comb can become a bit paler. Take note if she's redder in the mornings before she lays her egg.

You mention she's scratching her head. Take a look just to be sure there's no lice/mites or fleas. A quick look in the ears to make sure they are clean with no pus, debris or mites.

Has her beak been recently broken, trimmed or filed? It looks o.k. just curious.
Thank you very much for responding to me! And thanks a lot for the advice.

I’m ordering the shells and will provide that for them.

For now I’m feeding them this one:

Versele-Laga Gold 4 Mash

I’m in Slovakia and there is not lot to choose from as commercial feed goes.

So far I didn’t notice whether her comb is more of color in the morning, but will monitor for that. However as day went, right now it looks really dry.

So I’m not sure whether to put an anti fungal cream on the comb or not.

I’ve checked her ears as well and they are clean.

As far as the beak goes, the breeder we got them from, trimmed them.
Thank you very much for responding to me! And thanks a lot for the advice.

I’m ordering the shells and will provide that for them.

For now I’m feeding them this one:

Versele-Laga Gold 4 Mash

I’m in Slovakia and there is not lot to choose from as commercial feed goes.

So far I didn’t notice whether her comb is more of color in the morning, but will monitor for that. However as day went, right now it looks really dry.

So I’m not sure whether to put an anti fungal cream on the comb or not.

I’ve checked her ears as well and they are clean.

As far as the beak goes, the breeder we got them from, trimmed them.
I don't see any indication of fungal infection/Favus on the comb.

The feed looks o.k. If it's a loose type feed, she may be picking out her favorite pieces and leaving the rest and not getting all the nutrients she needs. You can try soaking the feed to help incorporate it better.
I don't see any indication of fungal infection/Favus on the comb.

The feed looks o.k. If it's a loose type feed, she may be picking out her favorite pieces and leaving the rest and not getting all the nutrients she needs. You can try soaking the feed to help incorporate it better.
Thanks again. Alright I’ll do that.

I went for the mash type of feed so they would pick out what they need - or at least I thought that’s how it’s gonna work. So is it better to feed pellets?
I don’t know whether I’m just overthinking it, but her comb is more pale as time goes. They have shells on the side now available all day as well.
Also I’ve started to notice that other leghorn is having bit dry/pale comb too.

I just worry about them.

So is it better to feed pellets?
no, definitely not. Keep doing what you are doing. Free ranging on decent forage will provide many of the micronutrients needed. If their skins seems a bit dry, perhaps offer an oily fish like a tin of sardines. It will provide a shot of calcium too.
Comb looks normal to me. Do you have before/after pics? Admittedly my eyes are not the best.

Give her some poultry vitamins. That always helps.

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