Young Chicken with Swollen Abdomen


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 5 month old Silkie pullet (she looks like a pullet to me). The right side of her body is very swollen. When I pick her up I feel her breastbone and on the left side it is normal, and the right side is extremely bloated. When I touch this area it feels like a balloon, it is not hard, it kind of feels like air. I have not found any sort of puncture wound. She is eating, drinking, and acting normally; she is still foraging around and very alert. I have taken some pictures, but you really cannot see it, you have to be holding her to notice it. From what I have found so far, she may be egg bound; but she has not started laying yet so I am not sure if that is a possibility.
If you have any suggestions please let me know,
Is it in the spot that gets full when they eat? All my baby chick's chest gets a bump after they are full. If its that then its no big deal. If its not then I'm not sure what it is.
I have Amercina that here tummy is full. when she pops very little comes out. she is so full she cant make the one foot jump to grt out of the coop. what can i do?
She has puncture hole somewhere in lung and air is up under the skin. I would take syringe with needle on it and poke it into sack and let air out and put something on area and wrap a wrap around her to keep it there with pressure so the place letting air escape can seal over. She will be ok but I would give her a shot of penicillin or some kind of antibiotic. Whatever tried to get her and poked hole did it with unclean claw.

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