yes! my chicks are here


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I finely got my chicks in the mail, I am so excited. I got five standard sized speckled Sussex straight run chicks, and they are soooo cute.
Here is a picture of them.

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However I was upset because i had also ordered five Lakenvelder chicks and for some unknown reason the were not sent to me by Cackle Hatchery :( When we called and asked they did not know why, but they could not send us the lakenvelders.

Now i am trying to find out were i could get some? If anyone has any ideas let me know, thanks.

For now i will enjoy my five new babies.
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Congrats! I'm sorry to hear about the hatchery mix-up, but at least you have those five to dote over. I have ten Speckled Sussex in the brooder right now and I'm really happy with them. They're bright and inquisitive little ones, haven't had a single problem with them.
We have a Speckled Sussex chick and she looks JUST like a chipmunk and is quite large compared to the others (especially my barred rock!!) She is very sweet so far....her name is Petunia Chipmunk. Lol!
Congratulations on the new chicks. Twice in the past years I have tried to get a Speckled Sussex and both times it turned out to be a Brown Leghorn. I may try again this year. Hopefully third time is a charm. Some of the local feed stores are supposed them in a couple of weeks when I am planning to get my chicks.
Congrats! They are so cute! I'm probably going to try and get some speckled Sussex this year. Right now I've got Buff Orpingtons due to hatch on Monday.

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