Yellow spot on liver? Freaking out a bit

Not just in case for ACV..It should be used in water daly forever. It is maintence and good for the birds. It does not cure anything. It helps keeps a healthy flock healthy. It aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients. It is a win win and cheap.
Thank you so much, this has been really, REALLY helpful! Yes, we butchered him because the whole "six drakes on top of one hen" thing is not cool, so we couldn't put it off any longer. I have 3-5 more drakes left to butcher. So I guess I could just pay close attention to their livers and if they have the same type of spots then it's something I need to look into more, and if they don't then it was just something weird with this drake. Whew. Thank you!
I would toss the liver and eat the ducks. I'm wondering if it might be a parasitic cyst from a worm? Maybe someone with more knowledge will chime in. Whatever the case, the cooking of the meat has rendered it safe to eat.
I would toss the liver and eat the ducks. I'm wondering if it might be a parasitic cyst from a worm? Maybe someone with more knowledge will chime in. Whatever the case, the cooking of the meat has rendered it safe to eat.
I agree that, that could be a possibility... Worms will be in the intestinal tract and during butchering obvious signs of worms would have been seen.

If you blow up her picture you can see the damage in the one corner of the liver. I am not a vet or even a tech, but, it looks like damage and not parasite invasion. If it was parasitic in nature, when she burst the yellow bubble a worm/larve would have been visable. However I could be wrong and you could be right. It is certainly a possibility.

This is just my opinion..
If it was parasites, would I see anything inside the liver, or would it just be on the outside like that? Would I notice parasites on the outside of the intestines or would I need to cut them open to see them?

Trying to learn so I know what to watch for during butchering!

Thanks sourland for throwing out other possibilities!

And thanks for the tip on the ACV, I'll put it on my list for shopping. I'm almost out in the house right now. :)
I agree with just tossing the liver and eating the rest. You could check with your state Ag. dept. to see if you have any parasites to watch for in your area, like liver flukes. I'm not up on everything that could happen and I live in a very dry climate so we have few of the things wetter areas have.
When ever you butcher out poultry you should check your parasite level. cut open intestines. All animals have paarasites, even us. The trick is to keep them at low levels that do not effect health of the flock. I know my birds probably have parasites, but, to date I have never seen one during butchering. When ever you see intestines that are a bit too colored, they probably have some kind of parasite. Just get in the habit of checking intestines when you butcher.

Keeping worms at a reasonable level is pretty easy for poultry..they need frest air, clean water, good food, exercise, and things like ACV, Oregano, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, apples..all kinds of thngs help to keep the intestines working well and making organs inhospitable to worm over load.
I agree with just tossing the liver and eating the rest. You could check with your state Ag. dept. to see if you have any parasites to watch for in your area, like liver flukes. I'm not up on everything that could happen and I live in a very dry climate so we have few of the things wetter areas have.
Good sugestion too..

However I do not want anyone thinking that it is a possibility of liver flukes..liver flukes can kill rudament animals like pigs and sheep her birds would havee been pretty ll and the liver would have been off color.
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