Yellow poop, hasnt laid in months, lethargic


Oct 2, 2022
Hi there!

I just got back from a trip to find one of my birds has taken a hard decline. I have had problems with this hen in the past with broody-ness, temperament issues, and crop blockages. All of which were treated and she has been getting on fine. About 2 months ago she stopped laying eggs completely. At the time I checked her and she had no mites, was not egg bound, ate and drank completely fine, lots of energy, no wounds or paleness or weight-loss of any kind. In the last 3 days she’s taken a huge nose dive. I have not seen her eat or drink, refuses treats, her bum has begun to get caked in poo and she has bright yellow small droppings that she pushes out like she’s constipated and no normal droppings in between these. She will come off the roosting bar but will not walk far out of the coop and just stands there with her tail tucked down, Feathers ruffled and completely still. It’s worth noting that she is not a fan of being handled by me and is allowing me to check her and pet her without fuss at the moment. She has not laid or even attempted to lay an egg in months and up until a few days ago was entirely healthy other than the lack of eggs and was checked frequently. I am concerned as I have seen a few other posts that are somewhat similar on here, all of which have reported back that their bird had passed before being treated or was able to be diagnosed.
I have attached photos of her bum and her most recent poops.
(Note: I assume this just started when I got back home, the person who was feeding and giving water to my girls while I was away does not know what to look for when one is acting sick or “weird”. But I assume this just started)


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Is vet care an option?

Any lice or mites on her?

Do you have an antibiotic on hand - if so, what do you have?

Has she been dewormed? If so, what was used, when and the dose?

I'd work on getting her hydrated, then see if she will eat. Check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. If she's having a hard time pooping, giving coconut oil a couple of times a day may be helpful.
Is vet care an option?

Any lice or mites on her?

Do you have an antibiotic on hand - if so, what do you have?

Has she been dewormed? If so, what was used, when and the dose?

I'd work on getting her hydrated, then see if she will eat. Check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. If she's having a hard time pooping, giving coconut oil a couple of times a day may be helpful.
Her crop is fully empty at the moment as she’s refusing to eat and she won’t drink so I will have to syringe water to her. If she refuses to eat will I be able to wet and mash her food to syringe that to her as well?

No Lice or mites on her or any other chickens. As well as no strange droppings from any of the other ones.

Vet care is unfortunately not an option as the closest vet to me that will see chickens is over an hour away and quite expensive. As a last resort I am ready to consider it but I have been lucky so far and with the help of BYC been able to treat everything that’s come my way thus far. She also has not been dewormed. I have been very lucky with that as well, none have had worms or parasites (yet)

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