Year old drake trying to mate my 2 month old girl


8 Years
Feb 24, 2011
So far nobody has replied to any of my previous posts so I hope someone can help me out with this one today /:

I have a 2 month old baby girl that recently lost her partner( a two month duck.) so we tried to bring her back to happiness and so we got her a male friend. We forgot about mating and how shes still a little girl around a grown man lol, and just today in the kiddie pool he tried to mate with her. she was kinda drowning and didnt know what to do so I took him out but he kept trying and trying.
Im trying to give him to someone who can use a year old drake but I havent had any luck. Is it a better idea to separate them for a while?
Im just afraid of leaving her alone because she starts crying and getting depressed. She hates being left alone and I really dont know where I could put them..
im afraid of him trying to mate at night when Im sleeping & nobody will be there to protect her ..

what should I do??
any ideas??
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Separate them. His hormones are raging and he will not stop trying to breed her. The potential for serious injury or even her death is great. Get another duckling for company, but do not allow the adult drake to have actual contact with them.
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I PM'd someone here on BYC, who was giving their Pekins away, so far they haven't replied, but I'm still looking. We need duck food, so I'll also check the feed store. For now just seperate them, and give her some TLC.

ETA: I should have said earlier, I meant for you, I'm not looking for more ducks for myself
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I don't think he will drown her, because she can dive under and make him flip into the water. He can, however, hurt her leg joints if he mates her on the ground. She needs to be at least 3 months old before you let him mate her. 4 months is better.
Oh my, are you serious? Agh, Im going to separate them, I cant have her die after already losing my drake /: Thanks so much
Thank you so much! Im still looking as well in my area; I found a feed store that has ducklings but all she told me when I called was that theyre mixed breed. and Im totally lost as to what mixed breed is.. but Im hoping to get some by easter, hopefully feed stores start getting them around this week! Im very desperate

thank you again!
The Duck ABC's :

I don't think he will drown her, because she can dive under and make him flip into the water. He can, however, hurt her leg joints if he mates her on the ground. She needs to be at least 3 months old before you let him mate her. 4 months is better.

I was very scared, my girl looked scared as well and didnt know what to do, he was pinning her head down and so I got him off.
3 months? Really? I read in some website to wait after 6.. ?​
6 month. Really interesting, because that is about when they start to lay eggs. They usually get sexually active when they are 4 months old.
3 months is way too young to allow a mature drake to start breeding a young hen. Drakes can and do drown adult hens when gang breeding them. A large drake attempting to breed a duckling can indvertantly hold her under water for too as he attempts to breed her. The problem arises in that he can't "get the job done" and wll keep trying. Misinformation is worse than no information.
Thanks, thats the same thing I was thinking.. her head was literally underwater and looked frightened! but good thing she was okay and it wasnt enough to kill her. I was furious because I couldnt believe myself for not thinking about it before getting the drake. Im now keeping my eye out and making sure he gets nowhere near her.

if he's 1 year old can he sleep outdoors in the yard? that way theyre kept apart..

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